BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


According to the legend of Kón, he arrived from the North in the beginning of time. Kón is described as a being in the shape of a human, but with no joints or bones. He flew in with the mask of a bird over his face. He came bearing fruit, feline masks, and a staff. He had large eyes, leading to many calling him the "eyed god". He is the "son of the sun” and as he wandered the earth, he raised mountains and created valleys at his will. He is said to be the creator of humans, to whom he gave plentiful fruit and bread to survive. Whenever he appeared, he brought rains to the land so that their agriculture and the people would prosper. His only request was that they continue to honor him. The local people would dance and tell his story to appease the great creator. Over time, the people have begun to forget about Kón and their owed debt to him. This is angering Kón, so to punish them, he recedes their waters, which is turning the lush land into coastal deserts instead. He takes away the rain and will leave them only a few rivers and lakes to survive. In areas where religion is still widely celebrated, the land remains lush, but in places where education is pushing religion to the side, the desert is slowly beginning to creep in.


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