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Session 1: Let's meet the others Report

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General Summary

How it All Began

Several weeks ago the players were in their respective favorite taverns when they noticed an ad on the job board:  
Looking for adventurers in search of a long term gig to help find a long lost friend who has gotten mixed up with the wrong crowd. Meet at The Laughing Griffon Tavern in Subterra on November 27th around 7:20 pm. You'll know the table. -Katarona
While the ad was normal enough, they each became intrigued when they realized they were the only ones who could see it. Intrigued, they decided to head that way and see what it was about.

The Tavern

When the players arrived at the tavern, they found it very busy but noticed that there was a markedly empty table. While some players chose to watch and see who arrived, others chose to stick to the sides and see who came. Eventually, they all found themselves at the table and after a few introductions, ordered drinks from the waitress. While they were wondering aloud if the mysterious "Katarona" would join them, the waitress came back with a tray of drinks and a note, all of which she sat on the table and then simply left.
Congratulations travelers, glad to see you've all met eachother. I have a task for you to begin with. I've lost a precious item in a temple outside of town. No one's been in there for a very long time... but i think you can do it. You'll find the temple just north of town if you exit through Growing Shore you'll find your way where you need to.   Good Luck!   -Katarona
After some debate, the players decide to head for this mysterious temple immediately and finish up their drinks before setting out. As they exit town they notice a small blue flame that appears to be leading them somewhere which they follow without question and eventually, they arrive at a large ancient temple  

The Temple

  As the players approach, they see a cypher on the door which they quickly surmise tells them to turn the door handle upside down. Once inside, the party rather quickly sees through the pretenses of the room and realizes that the walls are fake. They proceed down a hallway, which promptly dumps them 90 degrees to the left when they attempt to open the door and they then find themselves in a long twisty hallway. While traversing this skinny hallway in a single file line, they suddenly get a toothache, and then unrest sets in...   What will happen next time? Tune in and see...

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Report Date
15 Feb 2024
Primary Location
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