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The Church of Life

Frequently runs the orphanages


  1. Head Preist - Miranda Paducha  
  2. Council members - 7 - make big decisions for the church and keep order
  3. Preists - 1 per church 
  4. Acolytes - 2 - 3 per church - assist in daily runnings and assist the congregation as needed 
  5. Devotees - 1 - 2 per church - run the youth groups and get children involved with the church
  6. Crusaders - many - spread the word of the religion


The church emphasises community and has frequent festivals to celebrate the world and what's going on in it. These festivals welcome anyone, and have plenty of food to go around, while also providing services which may be needed to the public, such as medical care, mending, and volunteers to teach trades to anyone who is interested.

Public Agenda

Aspires to find the seed and help bring prosperity to the world creating peace. Focused on preserving free will, with the understanding that rules are still necessary, but wishes to eliminate and prevent indentured servitude etc.


In 247 the Followers of Purity was formed after the Seed of Progress prophecy was found. The church was prosperous until 954 when the great split happened. The church became divided over the interpretation of the prophecy, some believing the interpretation to be metaphorical while others believed the interpretation to be more literal, telling of a great seed which would one day come and release the world from famine and suffering by bringing crops which would yeild enough to feed everyone till they were full every night, in turn eliminating the need for crime and creating world peace.

Mythology & Lore

Divine Origins

The Church of Life descends from the Followers of Purity and brings a lot of rituals and acts from their predecessor. Other rituals have been developed in the process of expressing diving gratitude to others and spreading good will to all in hopes of creating a better world, and a larger church.

Cosmological Views

When God created the world he gave humanity the great gift of free will to allow us to enjoy the wonderful creation as we please. For this reason, an attempt to remove the free will of another is seen as not only the greatest sin, but also unforgivable and warrants immediate excommunication from the church.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Do unto others as you wish they do unto you. 
  2. Help thy neighbor and so shall you be helped. 
  3. Put good into the world and good shall be given back. 
  4. Never disturb the free will of another*. 
*unless it is specifically to prevent an act of sin.



  1. Murder
  2. Hoarding
  3. Unnecessary removal or control of another humanoid's free will 


  • Sunday services are always followed by community potluck meals. 
  • when entering another's home a seedling will always kneel and blow a kiss to the floor, showing a sign of respect for the person's space and gratitude for being allowed entry. 


An aspiring priest must be recommended to the School of life by a priest who may only send one seedling per year. As the seedling studies, they will rise in the ranks becoming a sprout, a stem, a green leaf, and then finally reach full bloom as an appointed Priest. As positions open and the need for priests rises, green leaves are pulled from being under preachers and given their full bloom. When given their full bloom, a priest is appointed a flower which correlates with the region to which they are sent.

Granted Divine Powers

Full bloom Preists have the power to grow their region's flower on command, which serves as undeniable proof of priesthood.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Pushes free will and lesser government control in any and all aspects.


Each region is associated with a flower and has slightly different quirks to their worship.

Free will for all and to all a free life

Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title


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