Fog of Age

Fog of Age is a degenerative disease that appears to afflict several species in Belerion, albeit to varying degrees, but always to the same heartbreaking end - complete erasure of all that makes a person who they are: their memories, perferences, personality, interests, and eventuality their ability to control their body, essentially forgetting how to live, ultimately leading to their demise. 
The closest thing to a comfort associated with this horrifying disease is that asit progresses, the afflicted become less and less aware of their condition, though this is of little comfort to the individuals around them who can do nothing but bear witness to the person they know and love slowly disappearing before their eyes. 
The College of the Masters of the Scroll has commissioned a new study into the disease, supported by scholars in several cultures. Already they have determined that while this disease is not contagious, it is more prevalent in certain areas than others, and is thought to be linked to the quality of food and water available, among other factors. 
It is not yet known at what point a person develops the condition, though scholars are agreed that by the time symptoms have been noticed, it is already too late. Longevity and indeed immortality do not render one immune to the disease either; rather, it is simply comes on in the relative elder age of that species, that is to say: regardless of how long ones' life expetancy is, once they reach their races' equivalent of old age, they are far more at risk of developing the Fog of Age. 
It has brooked several intense debates in many a legislature as well, particularly regarding the rights of the individual, be it the right to live, right to die, right to dignity, nobody can agree on the best way to support an individual living with this condition.


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Aug 30, 2024 14:41 by Harrison

I would love to see a campaign or a story centred around this.

Aug 30, 2024 15:45 by Evilyn Carnate

I've been considering putting together an anthology of short stories set in Belerion to follow the 'Mariposa' story (not yet published on WA). I hadn't thought to expand some of the articles into stories - thank you for the inspiration :)