Glanwyn and Heulog (GLAN-wyn, and HOO-log)

There once was a handsome giant who lived alone in a stone hut overlooking the foothills of the Bellever Mountains down to the ocean. He was as tall as a house - and nearly as broad, with hair so blonde they named him Heulog, which means sunny. Heulog would spend his days replacing boulders that fell from the mountain, he loved the Bellevers so much that he did not want them to ever crumble.
  One day, while Heulog was walking along the mountains looking for boulders, he saw the most beautiful young man he had ever seen; eyes as blue as the clearest glaciers, skin as white as mountain peaks, and his dark hair resembled the tops of the spruce trees that grew on the hills. The man was resting between two rocks upon a hill, and appeared to be hurt.
  Heulog went to him, and was immediately lost in the dark pools of his eyes; after what felt like an eternity, he realised the man speaking, his voice smooth and hushed, like a water from a spring. He was trying to tell him that his name was Glanwyn, and that he had been running down the hill when he hit a rock, tumbling over it and pooling up between the two rocks.
  Hoping to impress Glanwyn with his strength, Heulog heaved the massive granite slabs to the side, so that Glanwyn could pour over the edge, and would continue to run down the hills. Glanwyn saw that Heulog was a strong and kindly giant, and offered to grant Heulog one wish as thanks for his help. Heulog, still captivated by the blue of Glanwyns' eyes, and having never been in love before that day, asked for a kiss. Glanwyn considered it, and told Heulog to close his eyes. Heulog stood downhill of Glanwyn who had now risen to the top of the rocks, and gave Heulog a deep, wet kiss.
  After a moment, Heulog opened his eyes, but Glanwyn was nowhere to be seen! Instead, the spot where Heulog had found him was filled with clear blue water, that started to run down off the rocks he had moved for him, gaining speed as it made its way down the hill. Heulog did not realise that Glanwyn was a water sprite. Water sprites, like all sprites, are notorious for using their beauty to persuade others to do their bidding. Afraid that his love would leave him, he ran down the hill after Glanwyn; being a giant, he was able to catch up to him and soon got past him. He decided that he would need to prove his love for Glanwyn, and remembering how impressed he was with his strength, moved every boulder that was in his path. Alas this only made Glanwyn run faster, the holes filling with water making his path wider. Before long, they were approaching the sea; Heulog saw his chance, and tried to use boulders to steer Glanwyn towards his hut, however Glanwyn was running so fast now, that nothing could stop him. He ran up over the boulders, but tumbled hard down the other side.
  Seeing these events unfold, the sea-god Keyntas sent a flood up onto the hills and claimed Glanwyn for his own as he does with all water sprites. Heulog, driven mad with jealousy, rearranged his boulders one last time, so that each time the tide rose for Keyntas and Glanwyn to meet, the waters would run in great whirls, preventing the two from ever being truly together. Heulog, exhausted from his efforts, and saddened by the loss of Glanwyn, returned to his hut, never leaving it or moving a boulder ever again. Over time, as storm after storm lashed the mountains, the boulders began to cover this hill around the hut, eventually obscuring it from the world forever.


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