
A rare but often deadly respiratory disease caused by the spores of an algal bloom entering the alveoli and occluding them, decreasing the victims ability to respire until they suffocate, or in expedited cases, choke on the green sputum that they cough up. 

The algal bloom that gives off the spores is thought to feed on the excrement of the Great Koi, being present in the waterways of the Shark Tooth Isles, but not in any significant quantities owing to the advanced engineering designs of the waterways enabling the wind and tide to regularly blow fresh water from the oceans through the leats. 

While the waterways are designed to catch most prevailing winds and ocean currents, there is exists a dangerous combination of a neap tide with rare wind patterns that creates the perfect conditions for the algal bloom to grow exponentially. 
Neap tides occur every month, when the moon is neither full nor new; this always results in less water flow, but any additional blooms are blown along the waters' surface by the prevailing winds, reducing any risks. However, large sandstorms in the Bodmany Desert create great barometric depressions as the air rises; this air then cools over the Pensan Rainforest, creating a high pressure over the Shark Tooth Isles that deflects the prevailing winds around the edges of the islands. 
This combination of a neap tide and lee wind, together with the voluminous amounts of excrement produced by the Great Koi leads to an explosion of algal bloom throughout the islands with the spores being released into the atmosphere within 48 hours. 
The Ki'Inori people naturally fear this weather phenomenon above all else; although rare, it can be generationally devastating affecting the elderly, vulnerable and young in particular.


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