Lannvorek Cove

Lannvorek Cove was once a well kept secret location amongst smugglers and pirates on the southwestern coast of Aberfal, on the edge of the Pensan Rainforest. Starting off as a simple collection of driftwood storage huts nestled against the blue-grey granite cliffs, it soon became busy enough to warrant anchorages as ships wait their turn to offload goods and resupply. This in turn led to several sailors going ashore whilst at anchor, providing need for a tavern, brothel and lodgings. 

Over time, the cove grew and became a bustling village attracting people from all over the known world looking to leave their past behind and live a free life in a free land. Of course, nothing in life is free; life in Lannvorek came at the cost of any law and order. There were social conventions, sure - don't spill another mans pint; your business is yours, theirs is theirs etc. but beyond these, one was quite free to do as they pleased. 

Generally, however, life in Lannvorek was good. There were no expectations, no requirements, no questions. Smugglers continued to use the place to "clean" their wares - storing them until their original owners had forgotten about them, accepting that the price of this was the hire of mercenaries to guard the stores. Pirates would frequent the cove, regularly pillaging coastal towns and plundering passing ships to bring in supplies for the town. Nobody paid taxes on anything - in fact, people rarely paid for anything at all! So it was in theory possible to make a considerable amount of money through rigged gambling to start a new life for yourself once you had had your fill of the freedom of Lannvorek Cove. 
It was generally considered a social taboo in most cultures to knowingly step food in this town, and so naturally the young people of many cultures saw it as a rite of passage to spend at least one night in the town, often as a last rites before a wedding or other significant milestone.


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