Master of the Scroll

Based at the prestigious, world-renowned Tewledandar Forest University, Masters of the Scroll are the lead researcher in their field, having demonstrated the impeccable standards of academic discipline to reach the highest scholarly rank. It is typically held for life, only being conceeded either upon death, discreditation, or an emerging development so significant as to have eclipsed their previous work. 
Making this position increasingly exclusive, there can only be one Master of the Scroll per field of study, and there are only a certain number of fields, as ordained by the Research Academy Board, who currently recognise 20 fields of study grouped into 3 schools: Mind, Body and Spirit, upon which there is a large compendium of books on each field within that school:
  • Humanities Comendium (School of Spirit) concerned with expression
  • Science Compendium (School of Body) concerned with the natural world
  • Curriculum Codices (School of Mind) concerend with professions, purpose
A Master of the Scroll is charged with keeping the 'book' of their field up to date with the latest verified learnings, so that lower academics may also learn, ready for the day that they might take over as Master of the Scroll. This involves a great deal of reading works submitted from other unrecognised individuals and organisations, as well as keeping up to date with developments in related fields, and current affairs in the world, to seek out potential new research theses. 
It is this last part that makes the role so attractive; the University will provide funding for travel to any location in the name of research and new knowledge. Masters of the Scroll, though rare in there being only 20 of them, can technically be found just about anywhere in the known world, and if they are good at what they do, sometimes in the world as yet unknown. There are several stipulations, including keeping an accurate and diligent journal of their experiences, and being mindful of opportunities for their colleagues who may wish to visit an area to expand their own body of knowledge.
Research / Scientific


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Aug 7, 2023 10:16 by Always Room For Pud

Now this is a campus position I can get behind! I really love the spin on the theme, with travelling to these remote places being seen as a prestigious perk of the job rather than part and parcel of it. I'd love to know a bit more about the selection process of the Masters - I imagine for such a desired and limited position the process of appointing a new Master must be absolutely cutthroat.