Puzzle Ball

The puzzle ball is an ancient storage device used to hide and protect valuable items such as rare gemstones. It consists of between 3 and 5 concentric spheres, each with unique and intricate designs carved into the wood or sometimes stone spheres. Equally placed around each sphere are circles of varying size.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Usually constructed of wood, though some examples of stone puzzle balls have been recorded. The device works by having a series of interlocking pieces form a sphere. There are two definite stages of each sphere of the ball: locked, where the pieces are locked together tightly; and unlocked, where the pieces are locked together in looser fashion, revealing several circular holes that provide access to the next innermost sphere. Sliding certain key pieces in the correct manner and order 'unlocks' the sphere. Successfully unlocking all the spheres and aligning their holes will grant access to the item stored at the core of the ball.


Believed to have been created by the Noble Goblins, it is unclear how this particular specimen came to be. This only adds to its value, no?
Item type
Considered to be exceedingly rare due to their complex design putting them firmly in the price range of the Belerion Elite.
50 x 50 cm
Raw materials & Components
Typically wood or stone, depending on the resource available and tastes of the owner commissioning the construction.


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