The Belerion Bard

Arguably the most eloquent and enthusiastic storyteller, "The Belerion Bard" as he has become known is also the regions most prominent chronicler, roaming the lands in the hope of witnessing the next big world changing event, and armed with natural curoisity augmented by inquisitive techniques that rival those of his storytelling abilities should he just miss the event and need to capture every detail from eyewitnesses. 
His stories are known throughout the land, and his recitals draw such large crowds that they can only be held either at The Rose & Thorn Inn with the windows open, or outside the city walls in fields where there is space enough to accommodate his adoring fans who linger on his every word. The key to his popularity however, lies in his ability to read the crowd, to understand what it is they want, rather than simply in his knowledge of the story. For certain, his accounts are always as accurate as the details passed to him (which in turn are corroborated with other sources as far as possible, often earning his works a place at the The College of the Masters of the Scroll), but that does not stop him from highlighting the hero and villain of the story for crowds of children, or recounting explicit details of the beauty of the women in the same story for taverns of drunk sailors. 
He is however, most desperate to get into the good graces of Lady Evilyn, for he is certain she holds such a trove of intimate details of the comings and goings of Belerions' movers and shakers that he would be able to complete some of his greatest works to date.


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