The Far War

So called because of it's distal proximity to Belerion, the Far War refers to a brutal invasion of several countries to the far east by an evil warmongering dictator seeking to rebuild an antiquated empire long since overthrown by the people. 

Thus far, the war has not broached the peaceful lands of Belerion; though bandits, highwaymen and other undesireables frequent the countryside and wild spaces, preying on lonely travellers or foolishly unguarded caravans, it is unusual even to see troops native to the land save for exercises within the vicinity of their barracks foreign troops have not been seen in Belerion for almost a century. 
However, more recently there have been rumours that the Far War is gradually becoming the "not-so-Far" war; one of the great states is said to have been invaded (though still putting up a strong resistence with its government still in control of huge parts of the country), and this appears to have embiggened and mobilised several prominent figures with right- and far right- sympathies. 
Political scholars' thinking is that these figures have connections (often financial) with the savage dictator, and each one of his 'successes' is seen by them as a step closer to their time in power. His latest territorial claims have been seen as the most significant so far, leading these prominent figures to start laying the foundations for their envisaged rise to power. 
  In some quarters, these figures have already manifested their schemes, with two prime ministers of states neighbouring the new 'empire' being elected for their "us first" views - closing borders, suspicious of foreigners and redirecting funds from the arts and science into controlling their borders and people ("defence and policing"). 
In Belerion, this is yet to manifest itself beyond already-known political figures that harbour these views, but thusfar lack any real following among the general population.


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