The Summoning

The Summoning is the gathering of the witches of Kermendyowl Moor it is only used in the gravest of circumstance to convene the entire coven. 

  So powerful is the spell that only the most prominent of witches can cast it, and only the most powerful, or those who have yet to swear a bloodline can refuse the call. Those who have sworn their blood to the coven, will feel a compulsion to head towards the source of the Summoning, experiencing increasingly excrutiating pain for every moment that they do not draw near - moving away from the source can be so painful as to drive a witch mad. Legend has it that one witch ignored the call, having fallen out with the witch who cast it, and was driven so mad with pain that she killed her own Witches' Familiar. When the call was answered by the coven, and they were released from The Summoning, she came to terms with what she had done, and the anguish of losing her familiar turned her into a Banshee.


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