Witches Familiar Behaviour

Witches' familiars are frequently having to provide cover for their witches without any recognition or acknowledgement. They often do so with ease, and always with bland indifference as if taking such action is of no consequence to them. Of course, they have no choice in the matter - they exist because of their witches' magic, and therefore are compelled to step in whenever their witch does (or is about to do) something wreckless that would endanger or end their life. It is entirely forgiveable to reach the conclusion that familiars are simply bored - their nonchalance, together with their presumed frustration at combating often the most mundane challenges presented by their witches would certainly merit that assessment. 
It is this existence (though presumed as they are not given to discussing things so openly) that perhaps drives them to partake in the behaviour most associated with them: pure choatic mischief, to such levels only piskies could dream of. Only with familiars, there is no interaction with them required for them to mess with your day. They are free to do so on a whim, provided it does not interfere in any way with their witch or their work.
Typically, their pranks are not too impactful - opting for subtle frustrations such as making you forget what you were doing, or were you going, or stealing and hiding mundane everyday items that you wouldn't notice until you can't find them - they collect these, and to find a familiars' horde is to find an apparent collection of junk, but an incredibly useful one nonetheless. There are however, the unfortunate few, who for no other reason than for having a reaction that a familiar finds amusing, are subject to frequent intereference. Rarely, a widespread spate of incidents will occur in quick succession; this is undoubtedly the result of a familiars' rivalry. Two or more familiars trying to one-up the other(s) with exceedingly complex, amusing pranks on humans, growing in complexity and daring without alerting their witch to their behaviour.


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