The Blueberry Battles Military Conflict in Belios | World Anvil
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The Blueberry Battles

The blueberry fields of Garci produce some of the most lush, delicious berries in all of Belios. Unfortunately, there was a season where the fields were barren. This lack of production was caused by a roosting wyvern that had damaged irrigation systems, but that wouldn't have been discovered until much later, after their Garcian fury was already directed at their neighbors. Garci expressed their concern at the lack of their blueberries. They simply could not believe that their fields had not produced that season as they typically would. All tending was done as tending was so frequently done and early on they noticed that there was something wrong. Holding out hope, the crop never came. They were in fear of starving and felt that blame had to go somewhere. That blame they placed the feet of their neighboring town, Farlin.

Farlin was famous for producing berries as well, and while their berries were fantastic for things like pies and jams, they weren't as tender and juicy as Garci berries. Garci genuinely fostered this belief that Farlin had sabotaged them. They started to search for evidence that simply did not exist. Tensions would continue to escalate until a skirmish broke the already tense environment. These skirmishes would continue to occur, until one happened that resulted in the severe injury of six youth; two of which would have their futures inexorably altered by the wounds they would sustain.

The Conflict


Skirmishes happened in the streets of the towns and tended to involve mostly open brawling between the youth of the two towns. There was a small skirmish that involved archers that never hit anyone, but wounds were gained from small weaponry as a rule.


There is standing prejudice between both towns. While they aren't openly hostile, they hate one another and have little interest in helping in the difficulties that the other is enduring.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result


Garcian Militia
Farlinian Militia




Retaliation from perceived slights. Mostly, they pillaged food stores and stole livestock.
Defense. They primarily wanted to protect themselves.

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