
Dragonborn are a species that can be found in most civilizations. Their main country lies in the Ck'eldi Desert in their ancestral City of Glass; a large city made entirely from dragonglass. While this is their nation of origin, many Dragonborn settlements have sprung up all over Belothar. The Dragonborn tribes take great pride in their ancestors and the tribal Elders are residents of the uttmost respect. Each Dragonborn seeks to be immortalized by their great and powerful deeds in life. Keeping their family names alive and passed down through the generations is a top prioity. A Dragonborn will take great pride in being named after the great heroes of old. In order to keep the next generation alive, protecting and providing for their families is the most important bond for a Dragonborn, second only to their loyalty to the High Elder.

Young Dragonborn are trained from an early age to become great leaders and warriors. Celebrated Dragonborn leaders are those who seek to elevate not only themselves, but their teams under them as well. Collaborative works of glory are revered and remembered for years to come. As a result of their Draconic lineage, some Dragonborn hatchlings come into the world with remarkable magical power. Those hatchlings are raised to respect and control their powers, often taught by one of the Elders.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Dragonborn surnames are patriarchal passed from the father. To honor their ancestral matriarchs, the Dragonborn middle names are the maiden surnames of the mother.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Naming Settlements

New Dragonborn settlements are named after the first resident to commit a great deed. If that namesake goes on to dishonor themselves in some way, their name will be stripped from the town and it will be renamed after the deed itself, such as the great city of ____ that was named after ____. He went on to commit _____ and as such, was exiled from his community and had his honor stripped away from him. The city was then renamed ____.


Dragonborn weddings are a serious affair. Traditionally, the potential groom will present the potential bride's father with a non-lethal duel. If the potential groom can defeat her father, he is proving to the family that he can be a better protector for her than her father can be and he's ready to accept the responsibility. Upon defeat, he proves that he isn't worthy of marriage yet and more preperation is required. Upon prevailing, how he proposes marriage to the bride is generally up to personal preference.

On the day of the wedding, both bride and groom will don their ceremonial armor and gather with their friends and family outdoors in a sacred place. One of the village Elders will preside over the ceremony, saying an ancient Draconic blessing over the couple and their future life together. The couple will say their vows at sunset, each vowing to love and protect the other in all aspects of life. After the vows, the couple will perform the fire ceremony. This is a representation of the joining of their lives. Both bride and groom will light their own torch and together light the bonfire, signialing the start of the celebrations.

The festivites end when the bonfire goes out. There is music, dancing, a feast, and several sources of entertainment available for the couple and the guests to enjoy. Gifts will be given to the bride and groom, along with other blessings and well wishes. When the bonfire finally fades away and the celebration ends, the groom will escort his bride to their new home and their new life will begin.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Young Dragonborn are born from eggs and hatched.


Relationship Ideals

An acceptable Dragonborn relationship entails...

While Dragonborn mostly tend to marry other Dragonborn, it's not unheard of that they will intermarry with other species as well. Dragonborn who reside far away from the City of Glass are more likely to have an interspecies relationship. Some Dragonborn firmly believe in keeping their bloodlines pure and refuse to intermarry. They can only reproduce with other reptilian species and are rendered infertile if they marry a mammallian species. This makes the choice to marry someone from a different people a very difficult choice for a Dragonborn. When marrying a mammallian, they give up the chance to continue their ancestors glory and honor and it's not a choice made lightly. These marriages tend to only spring from the uttmost love and affection between the Dragonborn and their chosen partner. Many mammal/Dragonborn couples have been known to adopt orphaned children of varying species and raising them as their own.


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