
Mountain Dwarves

Mountain Dwarves, unsurprisingly, live inside the mountains. They have an eye for the finer things and they enjoy mining for jewels, gold, and other valuable metals. They also appreciate the stone they live in and take great pride in hewing their homes artistically and practically. Dwarves don't often leave their mountain home for fun, usually voyaging out into the sun only for trade. As a result, mountain Dwarves are paler than their hilltop cousins.  

Hill Dwarves

Hill Dwarves come from the same parental lineage as mountain Dwarves; they're both makers and doers and manufacturers. It ended up being while some went to mountains, some went to the plains. They found what is the most lucrative and productive thing they could do. The hill Dwarves prefer bone to metal for most uses and are skilled in leathercrafting. They spend a lot of time outside farming and herding, so they are darker in color than their mountain cousins. Productivity is still important to the hill dwarves and they take great pride in the work they do. They cultivate large crop fields and it's rare to meet a hill Dwarf that doesn't have at least one cow.


Culture and cultural heritage

Everyone is family. The two factions live seperate lives. At the same time, just like family or close connections, if a Dwarf is in a pinch and they call another Dwarf, they will get help regardless. They don't make it a point to keep in touch but they are not active enemies. It's rare and a small point of contention, but Dwarves can change from one faction to the other.

Shared customary codes and values

Both factions of Dwarves value the fruits of hard labor. Even their hobbies tend to be product focused. For fun, many mountain Dwarves will spend their time making jewelry or decorative relics that they can use or sell at market. The hill Dwarves spend their free time making fancy furniture or fashioning journals, bags, or other practical things with the leather they cultivate from their meat livestock.

Average technological level

Because of their craftsmanship, Mountain dwarves are great mechanical craftsmen. Clocks, things with gears and springs, intricate details, etc. Hill dwarves, while maybe not necessarily having the same type of craftsmanship, are major leaders of industry. They have access to the same tech everyone else does. They may be close-knit and proud, but they are open to exploring all the other facets of the world to learn from them as well. They make a lot of money with the goods they sell, and they use that money to support themselves and to learn.

Common Etiquette rules

Teamwork is important to all Dwarves and it's seen as rude to take on a large project alone. It's also customary to refer to another Dwarf as a cousin, even if they're from different factions. If hill Dwarves are traveling to the city for market and they see a family of mountain Dwarves stuck in the mud, they will always stop and help their cousins, and vice versa.

Common Dress code

Both for hill and mountain dwarves, the dress code is practical. For the mountain dwarves, wealth in clothing is defined by quality of clothing, plus quality of metals. Lots of metal and jewels, gaudy isn't a derogatory term for them. Boardering on silly and preposterous, even. The more pockets the better. For hill dwarves, lots of hide and leather is in style. Practical, but also high quality. Fancy hats and boots are all the rage as well. Big belt buckles are a must. The bigger the better for the hill Dwarves.

Art & Architecture

Mountain dwarves craft lots of stone and metalwork. Jewelry, armor, and weapons are their speaclity. They like to build into whatever they can reach with as much natural resources as possible. For example, a mountain Dwarf would fashion a table out of the rock they stand on. Hill dwarves are skilled in tanning and leather goods, as well as amazing chefs. They really like the place they live and do things to show off where they came from. They make jewlery and things out of bone instead of metal. They don't believe in wasting any part of a slaughtered animal.

Common Taboos

Laziness. Disrespecting family or family business.

Common Myths and Legends

Basically, their childrens tales and fairy tales are all based around the values of working hard, being proud of your work and respecting family. The stories tend to be a little on the graphic side when it comes to what happens to little children who don't follow tradition. The legends that get passed down tend to be about great ancestors who made a bridge a thousand years ago that's still standing or an ancestor who was able to tame some outlandish wild/magical creature.


Beauty Ideals

Beards are the standard for male Dwarves of both factions. For females, long hair is expected. Both factions of Dwarves will braid their hair and beards in intricate patterns and decorate their strands with clips, clasps, jewels, or even flowers.


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