
The Elves were the first master artificers in Belothar. They, along with the Dwarves, were the first to study and understand the magic that entered the land centuries before. With that understanding, they began developing machines and baubles meant to improve life on Belothar. They felt that by improving the lives of everyone on Belothar that would bring great glory and honor to their life-giving dietites.

The Elves made these gifts freely available to all who asked for them, however, they started being approched to make weapons for the other races petty wars. The Elves refused; their gifts were meant to bring life, not destruction. Using the artifacts for war would be blasphemous. As a result, the other nations decided to make their own artifacts using the technology they had available. When the Elves found out about these poor imitations, they ceased giving away their gifts and secrets, and soon closed their boarders entirely. This prompted many nations to fear them. They wrongly believed that the Elves saw themselves as rulers of all Belothar and higher beings than the rest of the population. With this hostility, the Elven homeland located in a great forest disappeared one night. While the trees, foliage, and fauna were still intact, there was no more sign of civilization; it was as if the Elves had never lived there at all. The forest remains that way to this day, several hundred years later.

Some of the Elven artifacts are still used, and the makers today mourn the loss of these great inventions that even now are alien in comparision to the primitive craft of modern day. While Elves can still be found in Belothar, they are a rare sight. It is far more common to see Half-Elves of any kind than a pureblood Elf.


Foods & Cuisine

Elves see food as a inconvenience more than anything in the day to day life. Hunger distracts them from their research and inventions. Food has been perfected to a science. They get the nutrition they need to carry on through the day and it can be eaten quickly while doing other things. It's neither tasty nor disgusting. However, during festivals and celebrations, Elven food is quite a marvel! They hold huge feasts with fluffy bread rolls, steaming roast lamb, pig, and poultry, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, iced cakes, and wine, among many other things.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

When a new elf is born, it's a celebration for the whole city. Female Elves are pregnant for seven years and as such, new arrivals are rare. There are usually only ten to twenty Elves in a given age range at any given time. The arrival will be much anticipated.

When she goes into labor, the mother will send word to the midwife, who will come to the mother's personal residence. Several married female Elves that the mother has invited will gather at her house and chant prayers of protection over her and her baby. The mother, father, and midwife sequester themselves in the bedroom until after the birth. The use of medicinal herbs and magic is commonplace. While the labor is happening, the other females tidy up the house and prepare meals for the expecting family. If any young siblings are present, the females will watch other them as well.

When the baby has finally arrived, the midwife instructs the parents on how to care for the healing mother and child and will periodically check in on them for the next several months to ensure things are going well. The females present at the birth will help care for the new mother by bathing her and saying a prayer of thanks for her and the baby's safety. When the mother has healed enough, the Elders will visit and give a blessing to the new child and wrap the baby in leaves from their sacred tree as a sign of long life.


Beauty Ideals

The Elves are a very regal race. They have the utmost standard of cleanliness in thier society. Even the lowliest Elf is expected to be as a queen or king in both looks and manner. As wisdom is so precious to these people, they have a high respect for the elderly among them. Wrinkles and grey hair are a symbol of long life and much knowledge. You have to be hundreds upon hundreds of years old for even a single grey hair to appear, therefore the marks of age that are hideous to the Humans are proudly displayed on the Elves.

Gender Ideals

Both male and female Elves are expected to pursue knowledge above all else. While there are many great warriors among them, they celebrate the scholars. Teachers sit in elevated positions and both genders fill those roles. Female Elves typically study alchemy and medicinal herbs as well as astronomy. Male Elves lean more towards studying advancements in technology and learning about the natural world and how magic intertwines with it.

Courtship Ideals

Arranged marriages are typical in Elven society. There is one Matriarchal Elder, called the Maidseer, that is given the responsilbility of matchmaking the Elves in the city. She keeps track of the young elves studies and takes the time to get to know each of them personally. Once a year during the Spring festival, all the Elves that have turned 200 gather in the square. The Maidseer watches over them and appraises their behavor. If any two elves have chemistry together, she takes that into consideration before making her final descion. She pairs up the couples based on similar academic achievment and future goals in life. The coupling is announced at the end of the festival, then the symbolic Dance of New Life is performed. The couples celebrate their future by walzting together, ending the festival and welcoming in both the rebirth of the world after winter and the birth of their new relationship.

The new coupled Elves may reject the Maidseer's decision after at least two years of courting. To date, this has only been recorded to have happened once. If the young Elves accept the paring, they may choose to get wed immediately, or take some time to court first. It is expected they will be wed no later than five years after the decision has been made.

Eleven courtships are supervised by the families of the young Elves involved. Promanades around the city, horseback rides, dances, and picnics are common practicies. This is a time for the two Elves to get to know each other if they don't already and to gain the approval of the parents.


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