
The Githzerai live in an eternal state of Limbo. They hold all the matter of the universe within their power. They are a much higher state of being than we are down here and they are fully capable of extinguishing our existence with a mere thought. Their mental strength is so great they can even make themselves immune to fear. We must all do our best to keep them placated so they don't destroy us.

Their cousins in the Astral Plane, the Githyanki, are travelers. They move among the worlds devouring knowledge left behind by those who came before. For all we know, they could walk among us. They could be here sitting in this very library as I write this. No one knows what a Githyanki looks like, but just as their cousins do, they have superior physic abilities. They can read our minds and pull the knowledge right from our brains leaving behind an empty shell of a person. We must always take care to protect ourselves from this.


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