
Halflings are generally the most well-liked species in Belothar. They care deeply for people of all races and are kind to everyone. Family is very important in Halfling culture, but they are just as likely to adopt Elves, Humans, or even Tieflings into their families in addition to their blood relations. They are skilled in medicine and many of the famous physicians in Belothar are Halflings. Many species will trust a Halfling teacher for their children even over their own people if given a choice. And the face of many city businesses will have a Halfling at the helm. They are welcoming and gracious to everyone.

While Halflings live all over Belothar, some of them choose to live in little villages together where they peacefully farm their land and live under the leadership of family elders. They welcome visitors, but mostly just keep to themselves. They enjoy life and have village celebrations for even the smallest of occasions. When visiting one of these villages, don't be surprised to see flowers growing out of almost every free space available!

Even still, there are other groups of Halflings who choose to wander together in caravans. These traveling Halflings never stay in one place for long, but they spread joy and cheer everywhere they go. These Halflings tend to be entertainers and merchants rather than gardeners. Their presence is a welcome site to any city and they are always well received.


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