
The Bostrasaur are huge herbivore creatures that are native to Xalandis they can grow from 15 - 35 feet long and 10-15 feet at the shoulder, weighing in around 20,000-50,000 pounds. They are known for having a very dense hide under a mesh of large plate-like scales, in addition to large horns from their noses, this can be anywhere from one to eleven with only one being the largest the others being far smaller. Thankfully these creatures are normally gentle giants that can even be hand-fed in the wild by most races, though they seem to feel a greater kinship to scaled races.   They are a kind of dinosaur that prefers open plains, aside from the kobolds they prefer to be left alone. The kobolds have formed a very symbiotic relationship with these creatures. They have few predators due to their size but also their temperament when something threatens one of the herd they turn from gentle to rampaging in an instant. It is truly a terrifying thing to hear the thunderous stomps of a herd of rampaging Bostrasaur going against some predator.

Basic Information


The Bostrasaur are huge herbavore creatures that are native to Xalandis they can grow from 15 - 35 feet long and 10-15 feet at the shoulder, weighing in around 20,000-50,000 pounds. They are known for having a very dense hide under a mesh of large plate like scales, in addition to large horns from their noses, this can be anywhere from one to eleven with only one being the largest the others being far smaller.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bostrasaur lay eggs usually only one to two per mating couple. They carry the eggs for six(6) months and the eggs are then the parents protect the eggs for four months before they hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes five years for a Bostrasaur whelp to become of a age that they can be ridden or trained. At age 10 they are adults, and they can live to be 150-200 years old, though they are often retired by 125.

Ecology and Habitats

The Bostrasaur plains of Xalandis are their primary home but they are able to live anywhere in Xalandis and sometimes into the contested lands of Rhyderia.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Herbivores, favorite food is the Zipplefruit something that grows in Xalandis like a weed, it is highly toxic to the non scaled races as such it is destroyed when it appears in other areas.

Additional Information


The kobolds began taming these impressive creatures at first for mobile homes, as the creatures could easily handle the weight of a platform and comfortable home for a kobold, then as beasts of burden for their more static constructions.   When the Drazgor saw them it was love at first sight, these monstrous creatures while normally docile were capable of becoming very violent when threatened and trained properly for combat they served as very effective combat mounts, often using the same style of platforms the kobolds had made with larger weaponry or numerous Drazgor on the back.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Mobile homes, transportation, supply caravans, and war machines.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Poor eye sight but good sense of smell.
Bostrasaur Tactics
Bostrasaur naturally are simple creatures that use their weight and durability they will seek to charge and gore their targets with their horn or trample smaller targets underfoot. When they have riders they can be better guided as well as have the additional fighters to aid in combat.   Bostrasaur Howdah The Bostrasaur will charge into clumps of enemies while the riders fire into combat or throw alchemist fire or other grenade weapons.   War platform This can be a mobile stage for the Drazgor skalds, or to hold siege weaponry like catapults, ballista, or magical weaponry that the Draz Tyran has but seldom employs.  
Bostrasaur don't turn very well and have poor eyesight, being properly guided can help offset the poor eyesight but there isn't much to be done about their poor turn radius.
Geographic Distribution


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