Celestial Lands

The lands where the Falsoree chose to settle were less of an interest to the gnomes and when the Falsoree came to the lands and began to build the gnomes simply let them live there in peace. The two became trade partners quickly as the elves valued the excellent quality jewels of the gnomes and the Falsoree proved to be very adept at healing magics and knowledge.   A boon to the Falsoree healing magics and part of the reason for the fair temperatures all through the year is that celestial energies from the celestial realm’s spills into the world there and other places in the world but this is one of the larger ones. If viewed from a far enough distance these lands will appear to have beams of light shining on them during the day even if otherwise cloudy.  

The Golden Palm Monastery

  A monastery located south of west of Msdell in the mountains dedicated to the martial and medical art of the Golden Palm these monks focus on using the Ki energy and the latent celestial energies of the world to influence healing and growth. The order is in a strange place in Arcessa, in more recent decades they have begun to spread outward into different circles including upholding law. There are some within their own order who feel they are straying from their path and a growing population of the people feel so as well. Even if there is dissent growing the monks of the Golden Palm are respected. In combat they can turn their knowledge to heal with Ki energy into a weapon, with precise strikes to important parts of the body they can cause anything from nausea to paralysis with enough practice, the masters are said to be even able to disrupt the ability for mages to cast spells.      


  Large City; The population of 13,467 is mostly elven (79%) with smaller numbers of other races. White marble structures with oxidized copper rooves with a large focus on open gardens be it plant, water, or stone. A central park in the center is a bastion of wilderness within the heart of the city and attracts travelers from all over.   Life in the city is often quiet and heavily structured in that every citizen has a role to play in the city as mandated by the government. The Falsoree believe in a rigid sense of law and martial practice so every citizen is trained in martial arts and combat styles more as an exercise. To some this style of life appeals as it takes away a level of uncertainty that life can present as well as a certain purity of mind and body, the true benefit of citizenship is the access to the advanced medical knowledge and healthcare. It isn’t uncommon for a human to live close to 200 years under their care. The city strives to maintain neutrality as much as possible and actively dislikes any attempts to cause chaos or bring bad news of war or conflict within the city. Adventurers are tolerated at best and usually find themselves restricted to a ward near the gate where an office has been set up to deal with bounties or receiving messages that need to be delivered by this method.  


  Large Town; The population of 2,013 is mostly elven (75%), and half-orcs (10%) with smaller numbers of other races. Mining town, marble quarry   Msdell is a town that seems to be more troubled than other parts of the Arcessa with frequent disturbances and troubles from ne’er-do-wells and unsavory elements, to this end High Warden Umasril has taken up the challenge to bring order to the city. His efforts seem to be unsuccessful despite the continued production from the mines and taxes the quality of life is often seen as poor with criminal activity rampant. The reputation of the city is somewhat exaggerated in that it is not run by criminals but there are elements of organized crime that are an issue in the city.  

Isal Thalore

  Small Town; The population of 1,549 is mostly elven (80%) and halfling (8%) with smaller numbers of other races. Largely agricultural and supporting infrastructure for farms and vineyards   Isal Thalore is a large farming community that is near to Mengdul and as such shares many of its cultural norms keeping a firm hand on its citizens and the workers that tend to the farms. It is a simple life by many standards but those who enjoy such a life can look forward to a long simple life working the land. Beast Races have chosen to settle in this area as a result of such a lifestyle, though these are most of the more liberal minded ones as there is a general distrust of any elf so living in the Falsoree’s home would be too much for most to bear. The actual town of Isal Thalore is relatively small and has most of the Falsoree workers devoted to the wine industry, vineyard management to the actual production and distribution of wine as it is an important luxury the Falsoree are allowed and partake of often, due to the unnaturally warm weather year round the vineyards are constantly producing wine leaving most other farming to the other species of the town.

Adventure Hooks

  Tier 1: Goblin troubles: Raiding groups of goblins have begun to steal food from the farms at night, there is rumor that they are led by higher forms of goblin kind. While this is a problem it is not a large enough nuisance for direct intervention. As a result, farmers have banded together with their elder to offer a job and a reward for stopping the attacks.   Tier 2: Misadventures in Msdell: By one method or another the players have become the enemies of local crime bosses. They have begun to make your life difficult with thugs coming after you at all hours, a local tavern owner has been your friend is now under attack as well. Will you stay and help save the tavern owner who you accidently put in the criminal’s sights or leave him to his fate?   Tier 3: Shattered Illusions: Peace has made Arcessa soft, and now a tidal wave has come for them. An orcish warband has emerged from the mountains and beneath the ground swarming Umser with the players there. There simply is no chance to hold the city, they must run to fight another day, will they only save themselves or as much of the people as they can?


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