Doran Ethnicity in Belthuran | World Anvil


The people who live within El'Doriss have lost their previous nationalities and their offspring have become known as the Doran. They are a mix of many cultures, heritages, and peoples. People who are born in El'Doriss are subject to the same rules as any other that live within the exile lands, with the exception that most will try not to harm them in hopes they can leave the exile lands, for should they die while in El'Doriss they will be forever bound there like their parents and ancestors.   There are a few settlements in El'Doriss but the major settlement of Edriss is in the remains of a cyclops city that had been a ruin for many centuries before being used as the landing point for criminals across the world. The strange land of El'Doriss is just beyond the city with the various biomes.   Life for a Doran isn't easy as they need to do everything they can to survive in a hostile land, surrounded by hostile people and creatures. They have formed a community based on protection and martial skill to give themselves the best chance of one day leaving the exile lands. As a culture, they raise their children to be able to fight and defend themselves and others as needed. As a result of the training and the shared goal of escaping the exile lands they have a tight-knit community and that helps them survive in a land where betrayal is the likely outcome of any interaction. Outside of combat they prefer to work together on all tasks as many hands makes for light work, everything is done to help the rest to not just survive but to thrive.


Shared customary codes and values

Defend yourself and those around you. Work towards the benefit of the whole, and do not give in to selfishness. We all work together to build a better future.


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