
These tiny birds are the size of sparrows a naturally occuring creature in the world they are also peaceful creatures who would rather flee than fight. They can be tamed and train to be of use to adventureres, miners, or anyone working in a dark area. The Luminette has a unique ability to produce light, they use this to help augment their singing and attract mates but can also use it to create a sudden and bright flash in a small area that dazzles those who look at it.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

They often live in forests content to live among the high branches eating seeds and bugs rather happily eating fireflies.

Additional Information


If properly trained they will more than happily sit in a cage or lantern to produce light roughly the size of a torch. On verbal command they can emit their defensive flash but be drained after that energy expendeture until they are able to rest.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They inhabit almost every part of Habrea with the exception of deserts or frigid climates such as Ursand or Hammerock.
12 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The feathers of a Luminette vary bearing the same kind of coloring possibilities of hummingbirds as well the shiny appearance.


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