Nhelbratheen (Sky Whales)

Basic Information


Nhelbratheen are colossal creatures resembling blue whales in body structure but with numerous unique traits. While they are of similar length to a blue whale they are nearly twice as wide. All Nhelbratheen have overdeveloped cranial plates that works like a battering ram and armor during combat. Underneath their jaws are numerous small tendrils that grow with age in some sort of mimicry of a beard. Along their body are numerous pectoral fins that reach out nearly 15 feet at adulthood. They have several dorsal fins that act like sails, the average number being four with the ones in front and back being smaller 4-6feet tall and the two in the middle being larger about 12 feet tall. Their tail is flanked but four to five tentacles that usually just lazily dangle behind them as they fly.   Nhelbratheen have three states of being that depends on where they live and what they have been eating. There is the Nhelbratheen, the Celestial Nhelbratheen, and the Profane Nhelbratheen. The changes all depend on how a Nhelbratheen feeds, before any changes occur a Nhelbratheen uses large baleen style teeth to gather their food, which is a mix of insects, bacteria, and arcane energies. Depending on the saturation of arcane energy they will remain as a Nhelbratheen, or shift into a Celestial or Profane Nhelbratheen both being radically different from the base creature.   Celestial Nhelbratheen have golden 'teeth' eyes and tongues as well as gaining a horn halo. Two twisting horns extend from the forehead and circle back to form a halo shape with stag tips facing up (rather sharp). Their hide is a pure white like freshly fallen snow and have puffy clouds following after them. Their teeth is a misconception by most, they retain the baleen of the base creature but the color changes to gold with increasing exposure to celestial energies at a distance this can be mistaken rather easily for golden teeth.   Profane Nhelbratheen have a larger mutation their baleen moves up to their nose looking like a jet intake. They gain rows of teeth and become carnivorous while also radiating black clouds and green or red lightning. They are shades of gray or black. All Nhelbratheen are dangerous if they want to be, but the profane variant are highly aggressive their minds filled with profane corruption that makes them want to kill and eat anything they can get in their jaws.   Regardless of the type of Nhelbratheen their bodies are covered in bioluminescent patterns with large intricate patterns forming over the cranial plate serving as a means of identification as well as intimidation to rivals and attraction for mates.

Growth Rate & Stages

It can take up to 10 years for a baby Nhelbratheen to make it to their adult size.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hunting a Nhelbratheen has always been difficult as they spent most of their time high in the sky, before the rise of airships they were primarily preyed on by dragons. If someone can manage to bring down a Nhelbratheen they will have a large amount of meat, bones, and arcane components.

Average Intelligence

Nhelbratheen can't speak common but they can understand it, celestial Nhelbratheen can understand celestial and profane Nhelbratheen can understand infernal or abyssal. The older Nhelbratheen can be very intelligent able to demonstrate advanced problem solving techniques.
Up to 1,200 years
Average Length


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