
The Ophidius are a rare creature with the body of a large snake but with large articulated plates along its back, each of those plates has a set of legs. As the creatures age, they grow longer and gain additional legs, with how rare the creatures are no one knows how long they can live, or how long they can grow. Some believe that at a certain age they effectively drop a section and that becomes a new Ophidius.   A unique trait among Ophidius is that they are greatly influenced by the type of terrain they live in, and they seem able to live in any environment. Those living in snowy regions will change colors to mimic snow, while their plates and scales look more like ice sheets. These creatures are believed to be related to Behir on some level but the only true draconic features they have are scales and love of precious things. Ophidius don't have a large hoard like dragons but what they do have is a few pieces of prized treasure they carry on them at all times, meaning they use some of their legs to hold their treasure up against their bellies keeping it close and protecting it. In cases with magic items, the Ophidius can become infused with the same kind of magic that the item held.   Ophidius can be, not so much tamed but bought at first but eventually, they can form a bond with another being. Giving an Ophidius a treasure, especially one it has its eyes on will go a great way to encouraging the Ophidius to stay with the person. In some cases, they will ride around on the person who gave them that treasure curious to see how they found such treasure and if there is any more that could be taken.   Each Ophidius has their own opinion as to what is a valuable treasure, some might dislike gold and instead focus on ivory trinkets, while others seek only magical items or other shiny gems. An Ophidius that has formed a bond with a person will not fight for them, it will defend itself if it needs to. Should an Ophidius be holding a magic item like a wand they can use that item to help but will only do so if it doesn't present a risk to itself. The Ophidius aren't cowards but they pragmatically view combat, they risk themselves and their precious treasure in combat so the risk has to be worth the reward to them.

Basic Information


Their growth is strange they have a head and tail like a snake and as they grow longer as another plate forms in the growing section, then two new legs will form. If they leave a segment to become a new Ophidius it always includes the tail and they grow a new tail quickly. Their legs have four toes with suckers to help with climbing and a dewclaw each capped with a short but razor-sharp claw. They have two sets of eyes, the first set is in a normal position for a snakehead, then just behind and above see an aura around living creatures a gentle glow around the form of a living being.

Genetics and Reproduction

It is believed that they asexually reproduce by dropping one of their segments which becomes its own Ophidius.

Growth Rate & Stages

Some think each year it grows a new segment, others that it is based on how much food they have consumed. Unfortunately they are too rare to have been widely studied.

Ecology and Habitats

Any environment can have Ophidius, as they are able to adapt to any climate easily. They often prefer living somewhere hazardous to others but that won't damage their treasure.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Omnivore, but prefers meat.

Biological Cycle

Ophidius shed twice a year and prefer to do so alone as they have to momentarily release their prized treasure to do so.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their normal eyesight varies based on their environment, a deep cave dwelling Ophidius would have darkvision, while one living high in the mountains might have eyes more like a raptor-like a hawk. Regardless they all can see the outlines of living creatures which aids them in hunting and avoiding predators.


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