
"Did you know the price for that free will you display is mortality? We mortals can change ourselves and decide for ourselves, but we do all come to an end. Outsiders, Angels, Devils, Elementals and so on do not have that. We refer to them as outsiders for they dwell in the places outside the material plane, but because they exist in an alien way to us. The only way for an outsider to change its mind is to be something else, and angel to a devil or the other way around." -Strallvis Dorphis, Conjuration and Summoning High-lector of Xoln college of magic.   Outsiders is the term used to define beings that exist beyond the material plane even to those of the inner planes of the prime elements. These beings are functionally immortal if slain on any realm away from their own they will simply reform on their home plane after a relatively short time. They are alien to the mortals of the world simply because they personify moral ideals on the cosmic scale of chaos and law, good and evil without any humanity or understanding for shades of grey these beings are often hard to imagine. An angel of lawful good cares more about the fate of an entire plane or country over that of individual lives, or even kingdoms for they have witnessed the rise and fall of many kingdoms and an uncountable amount of lives go by. Beings of chaos such as the primordial are just that, chaos and can one moment help you, hurt you, kill themselves, and then return to life as death is an agent of order.
This article exists to provide a frame of reference for outsiders within the lore.


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