
A Razorfin is one of the more subtle works of the mad mage Harridan often considered to be one of her early works when there may have been some level of sanity still left in her mind. These are the body of a shark, the brain of a dolphin, and razor-sharp bone blades on the front of the front fins. They are pack hunting sharks armed with blades that inflict deep cuts to bleed their prey, add in the feeding frenzy sharks have when they smell blood and you make for a worrisome creature to fill an ocean already filled with unknown horrors. Such is their threat that ships saw redesigns to prevent them from jumping out of the water to wound or even kill sailors with their blades before flopping themselves back into the water. They do this because they have learned that dead sailors are thrown overboard and they eat them. Sailors will often use ballista to hunt Razorfins that follow their ships both as a means of thinning their population and serving as food, some even use the bone blades for weapons.

Basic Information


Smaller Razorfins are about the same size as a reef shark, with the pack leaders being the size of great whites. They share more outward features with sharks than they do dolphins.

Genetics and Reproduction

During mating season they are even more aggressive than normal and this behavior will continue until the new Razorfins are born. Baby Razorfins can swim directly after being born their bone blades are soft for the first hour after they are born.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen senses, in particular, smell to detect blood. They can sense electrical signals in the body granting them blindsense when dealing with living creatures, this doesn't work on undead or constructs (unless electricity is present, large amounts may scare them off)
Razorfin Tactics
They follow ships, not unlike dolphins waiting for the unwanted parts of fish, in particular, they learn which ships are pirate ships or warships and follow those at a distance until a fight, then they finish off anyone in the water. When encountered in open water they will often use their blades and swim past a target if they bleed from the resulting cut then the frenzy begins and other razorfins up to a mile away will start coming. While they are pack animals they spread out to hunt and patrol their territory. They prefer to exsanguinate their victims before going in for bites but their bites are every bit as deadly as a shark. When they see a ship that is lower to the water, say during a storm they may try to launch themselves out of the water and attack those on the boat, some may be able to kill an unaware sailor and either send them into the water themselves or just wait for the body to be thrown in later. A razorfin is capable of jumping out of the water by going full speed, 60ft in the water then they can jump 30 feet total either for height or distance.  
Razorfin Weaknesses
There is no particular weakness, they are vulnerable to weaponry and spells though fighting them in the water poses its own challenges. Most ships have at least one ballista capable of shooting into the water to harpoon and then drag them onto the ship. Their only real defense from this is to run, though some other Razorfins may try and cut the harpoon assuming it doesn't kill the victim outright in an attempt to save the packmate.   Bursts of electrcity can frighten them off as it overloads one of their senses.

Conservation Status
Exterminate when possible


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