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C-Bot Model 1171

C-Bot Model 1171 (a.k.a. Cici, pronounced 'See, See!')

A deactivated bot floats through the space between worlds. Their eyes are dark, their shell is cracked, and the vibrant red and white paint embossed onto them has dulled throughout the ages.   C-Bot Model 1171, former property of The Whirlwind Travelling Circus™, was decommissioned due to reports of 'errors in the bot's hardrive' and 'being super unfunny.' C-Bot was found floating around the Bernashan Wildspace System by one Thalen Amarum, and whose deed of ownership was transferred to him upon the bot's reactivation/awakening.   C-Bot is, by all accounts, a rather bad clown. Their dry deliveries of jokes and seeming inability to feel emotions other than 'happy' (a feeling which constitutes zero change in tone or expression) makes it hard to laugh with or even at them, though they are desperate for either. Programmed first and foremost to tell jokes and make people smile, the apparent glitch in their voice drive causing them to maintain a steady volume level means that any joke they do make rarely lands.   Oh, and the accent. Whoever programmed the accent should've been fired the moment they conceptualized the thought of giving the monotone robot a Goofy accent.   And that is the eternal dichotomy within C-Bot's self. Limited in range and with sometimes overly eloquent speech patterns, it feels like they were a recycled servant robot, not one built from the ground-up as one meant to entertain.   Nevertheless, C-Bot (personal nickname: Cici) has dedicated themselves to learning the art of the funny and becoming the best clown around. Because that is, after all, their primary directive, and it was the only thing they had to grasp onto upon being told they were abandoned by their creators.

Don't take the clown outta clownin around!

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