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"Lodestone" (a.k.a. or, in Thri-kreen, "Thrck-chtoo")

If Lodestone could write down his own introduction, this is probably what'd he'd put down: 'Devilishly handsome, extremely witty, and impossibly charming. Wink.'   Yes. Lode would write wink. He cannot wink.   Thankfully, he does not have control of his intro, so I can at least give you a more accurate summary.   In truth, Lode is a self-centered dolt whose ego has grown fat off the praise of his guild. Greedy, impulsive, and brimming with unearned confidence, Lodestone believes himself to be the center of the universe, and nothing (except maybe a character arc or two) will change that.   Now, I may be slightly exaggerating a trait or two for dramatic effect, but his pride is legitimately his biggest flaw. As someone who's lived his life believing he's the smartest bug in the room, Lodestone rarely, if ever, seeks help from those he deems as lesser in intellect, body form or charisma than he. And he thinks of a lot of people as such.   Oh, and did I mention his impulsiveness? Lodestone is of the belief that anyone should do whatever they want, at all times, which usually leads to him doing whatever he wants all of the time. If there's a shiny object in the distance, or the promise of a large sack of gold at the end of a mission, or even just the idea of unlocking some sort of secret that Lodestone does not have access to, he will pursue that goal until he dies or unless something else catches his eye first.   Ah, and let us not forget how stingy Lode is with his money. Believe me when I say this: Lode will haggle you down, whether you want to or not. As a member of an Artisan's guild, Lode can definitely tell if and when someone's quality of work is lacking, so he is extremely cautious with what he spends his hard-earned gold on. If he doesn't deem something worthy of his cash, he will either take his money elsewhere or try to convince the shopkeeper to lower the price juuuust for him.   And no he does NOT haggle them down just because he likes it when he struggles to lift up his gold pouch, he does it for the SOLE purpose of making a STATEMENT on the LACK OF QUALITY of the CRAFTSMAN'S WORK  Ahem. Unconvincing excuses aside, Lodestone does have some traits that make him just that smidge more redeemable. (After all, he's chaotic neutral, not chaotic evil.)   Let's start with the basics: yes, Lode is perfectly capable of empathy and kindness. Although not virtues he exercises often, there are a few lines that he will never cross, chief of that being stealing someone else's individuality. Lode's most prized possession is his own capabilities, whether that be in smithing, shooting, or his terrible, terrible flirting, and to have any of those stolen away from him would be his worst nightmare. So things such as permanently maiming someone or taking control of someone's mind is one of, if not the worst crime in his mind.   Another positive trait of his is his own sense of curiosity. The forging of a sword, the strength of a shield, the intricacies in a lock. These are all things Lodestone adores learning about, and this love of discovering stretches to all aspects of adventuring life. While some may prefer to call his curiosity 'reckless stupidity and a lack of self preservation,' this trait of his is what first drew him to the world of artisans, and it is also what drew him to the wilds beyond his Wildspace system.   Lastly, Lode is a stark advocate for individual freedom, as mentioned before. While yes, he is free to do and say whatever he wants, Lodestone can also respect anyone else that follows that same mantra, even if he himself disagrees with what they are doing/saying. Lode believes that you should be free to make whatever decisions you want, bad or good, and that those decisions should be equally punished or rewarded as how other people should wish to punish or reward it. TLDR; if you told Lodestone that the world is pre-fated and that any decision he makes is meaningless, he would probably sock you in the face.


A gun-slinging, moneygrubbing weapon smith with an ego the size of a star.

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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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