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Ringina Soylu Vavasour Oricaryn

Ringina Soylu Vavasour Oricaryn

Ringina Oricaryn was raised spoiled by the most cartoonishly spoiled and coin-pinching dohwar merchants. She doesn't remember her birth parents, because they died while she was still in infancy. However, she doesn't remember her time in the orphanage either—she was found and adopted by a pair of dohwars relatively quickly.   These dohwar were a revered and reviled merchant couple, Omay and Arrylay, who only had profits and business on their minds. After noticing that potential customers tended to avoid them because of their species' notoriety, they reached a conclusion. In order to appeal to more clients, they would raise a human daughter as the family mouthpiece!   They found a child with defining human characteristics: blonde hair, blue eyes, a nose, and other human features. The couple gave Ringina (what they thought was) a human-sounding name, then raised her as they would another dohwar. They brought her up with defining values, such as "Money can buy happiness,", "The customer will always be right if they spend more money", and "Family is temporary, but money is forever."   Ringina alwasy got what she wanted. Anything she asked for, her parents bought. She became the shining example of a spoiled, rich brat. And, while Omay and Arrylay ultimately had profitable motives in raising her, they grew attached in a dohwar kind of way—a way where they could bond over profits and business.   Their efforts showed, as Ringina took on many of their traits and could proudly call herself her parents' daughter. She stepped into the competitive merchant world as a teenager, proving herself as a greedy opportunist, making her parents proud.   Her life remained stagnant in that way, tricking passersby into dohwar schemes. Travelers who believed they saw a lovely lady found themselves trapped in her presence, like a siren who would not let go until they bought one or more items. Omay and Arrylay's plan worked perfectly. All the while, she reveled in riches and luxury untold.   Her normal life, however, came to an end when Ringina was (accidentally) kidnapped!   One fateful night, she was couting Golds in the family treasury (as one does) when a band of pirates attacked. Thinking on her toes, Ringina dove under a pile of gold coins and hid just as the door burst open. The crew went on to haul all of the vault's contents onto their ship—including Ringina.   The crew only realized something was amiss when she began thrashing and screaming on their ship. They arrived to see the couple's adopted daughter flopping and whining on the floor like a child. It took days for her to quiet and calm down; some unfortunate crewmembers lost sleep.   When she did calm down, though, Ringina was able to experience a world she never imagined existed. The captain personally explained to her that they wouldn't harm her. They would drop her off to her parents whenever an opportunity came up, without them getting caught of course. Faced with the fact there was nothing she could do, Ringina opened her eyes.   Surprise, surprise, people were not only customers! They had lives just like her. Sitting with the crew, watching them go about their merry lives from place to place, this was the realization that settled in with Ringina. She watched them deposit her parents' easy-earned money to others impoverished beyond anything she could have imagined.   Seeing these people, she felt something she nor her parents had ever felt before: sympathy.   She never revealed this internal turmoil. As far as the crew was concerned, Ringina was the same, bratty and ill-mannered kid they picked up. Only now, she would be found helping around the ship where she could. In her words, "If I'm gonna be stuck here forever, I might as well do something other than wait!"   To this day, the crew hasn't found an opportunity to drop her off.

"Ring-gee-na Soy-loo Vah-vah-swah Or-ih-karen." Brattiest, most spoiled daughter of the richest, most greedy and arrogant family ever. Yet, she's gradually understanding how the world works...

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