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Saint has no real idea where they came from, but they remember waking up on Leismen, floating in the water, with no idea how they got there. Waking up with the ability to speak and read was interesting, especially considering they didn't know what good those skills would do them, but they decided to give themself the name "Saint" because they are fairly certain that is the name etched into their metal arm.   Oh, it should probably be mentioned that Saint has two metal limbs, his right arm and left leg are both made entirely out of metal. As for how or why this happened, who can say? He will certainly tell you a different story every time you ask him.   Let it not be said that Saint is hardworking, for she is not. Will the job get done? Most certainly. Will it get done well? Of course. Will she spend most of the time needed to complete the task trying to convince everyone else to do the job for her? Well, of course. That's half the fun, isn't it?   Although a huge flirt, a bit of an idiot, and a terribly lazy person, Saint is extremely loyal. They will do almost anything for the crew (especially the captain) and consider their friends to be somewhat of a family. After all, they have never really known anything else.

Physical Description

Body Features

Does that guy have metal limbs? Why yes. Yes they do.

Saint has little to no idea who they are, what they are, where they are, or what they are doing, but they are generally here for a good time.

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somewhere between 23 and 30, but who knows for sure
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
200 lbs

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