Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth Homepage | World Anvil
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Bestowment of Greatness - A Parallel Earth

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Imagine if one day you were given mysterious powers. Power you could use to bring about change in your world, shape and guide the world as you see fit. You also learn others with powers are on your world. These others are using their gifts to create a drug called slappers which temporarily grants powers to others for benefits unclear to the drug creators. Those who have unlocked your gifts want you to capture these wayward children to bring them home and help return your world to the way it was. Would you face such evil or embrace it? This is one of the primary questions within Bestowment of Greatness.
  Bestowment of Greatness takes place on a parallel earth starting within the year 2001 in the state of New York. The slappers drug trade has been going on for over a year. It has seemingly pushed out other drug enterprises and other criminal enterprises have given it a wide berth. Rumors of corruption within the legal system and law enforcement abound as it seems the drug continues unimpeded but other criminal enterprises of competitors seem to be miraculously discovered and dealt with.
  This is the story of the "heroes" who's powers are awakened within them. Their heritage and perhaps even their ancestor connection to the current events gradually become revealed to them. The choices they make and the actions they undertake have an impact on their world. All the while others either the guidance of slappers or some other outside influence are gaining power as well. How will our "heroes" respond to these threats and will they be able to return things to how they were? What other surprises await? We will have to wait and see.

Status on 10/21/21  
To the players I present information on the campaign. The heroes, villains, places of importance and other information. Also included is players handbook for information on homebrew rules and modifications and rules on the dart guns.
Maps will be added to the atlas and timelines for the game down the road. Some of the links may go to pages without text, but most of the entries should be updated. The folders are present as a reminder to me.

Status on 10/26/21   New York area map added with places of interest.