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Counter mancy shielding

Counter mancy sheilding is a kind of personal body armour that is used to protect its user from weaponized projectile magic. Using a channeling device simply known as a sheild projector it casts a shimmering field of protection magic across an individual's body rendering hits from most magic projectiles non-leathal. It stings like hell though.


As the name suggests counter mancy shielding is used to protect against weaponized magic in the form of projectiles. However they are completly ineffective at stopping traditional bullets and other projectiles. In an ideal world one could be able to protect from both however Kevlar which is the most widely used material in the production of bullet proof armour actually works as a counter amplifier preventing magic from concentrating through it. However it does not prevent magic projectiles from penetrating it. Further research into the subject is constantly underway.


The key components of manufacturing shield projectors are refined tailosh stones as well as amplifier strength glass needed to contain it within the device.

Social Impact

It did not take long until every military force in the world wanted to get their hands on the technology. Many nations with almost exclusively mantic weapons were forced to incorporate solid projectile weapons into their arsenals almost triggering an international arms race. The armaments industry soon jumped at the chance to further develop the technology. Soon arms companies and military research institutes had developed shielding for vehicles such as tanks, flight-craft and even tried to develop manic weapons capable of penetrating shields.
The discovery of the amplifiers needed to develop protection from weaponized magic is credited to Brenoskian Mancologist Dr Walter McAlpin but the actual development of shielding technology is mage Professor Venta Moraen who developed it at the Hesterla institute of military technology.
Access & Availability
Primarily used by millitary and police forces however depending on the laws of the relevant nation can be purchased over the counter from self defence and firearms retailers.
All you need are the necessary amplifiers in this case refined tailosh stone contained within the channelling device to bring the shield into being. However the shield channelers possess a revolutionary innovation in which it does not need its user to be magically sensitive. Unconsecrated, atmospheric magic is absorbed through a miniature filter thus anyone can use them.
Since the weaponization of magic military minds have been searching for ways to protect against it. Thanks to the efforts of Mage Professor Venta Moraen and the earlier discoveries of his scientific hero Dr Walter McAlpin an effective form of shielding was discovered. During his travels to the uncharted regions of southern Delosia Dr Mcalpine had correctly identified multiple different magical amplifiers that would concentrate magic in such a way that it would protect people from magic induced injury. Professor Moraen had taken his knowledge and managed to develop the channelling device that could project an effective full body shield. He hopes to one day construct sheilding to protect against solid projectiles as well.


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