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The Braywind institute


Their structure is fairly basic. Each branch of the Institute is run by an Instructor who issues orders to their agents, coordinates with the other branches of the Institute and serves as the legitimate face of the front for their respective branch. Instructors tend to be retired veteran agents who have grown weary of field work and are promoted to a position of command. They hand orders to the handlers, the intelligence agents that provide assistance to agents in the field. Handlers assign equipment to agents and act as planners and strategists for missions. The field agents are the front-line force of the institute undertaking operations.


The institute's culture is one of secrecy and mutual trust. From the organisation's beginnings as a close knit special military force their sense of camaraderie has always been strong. Given that many of the instructors and some agents have carried on the mantle from their grandparents who were in the group from the beginning a close bond has been established over time. Leading a double life is difficult and can have highly negative effects on a person, especially when revealing secrets is dealt with severely. Thus it is important that the agents feel they can rely on each other. Because many agents work for security, military or intelligence agencies in their normal life this is made stronger although depending on the nation or branch of these agents rivalries can rear their heads.

Public Agenda

The institute is dedicated to preventing the rise of tyrants, countering terrorism, encouraging the liberation of oppressed nations, undermining hostile intelligence agencies, dismantling organised crime syndicates, exposing corruption and state sanctioned crime, preventing all out war between the major geopolitical blocs, assisting the enslaved escape to freedom, perusing and bringing to justice certain fugitives, providing assistance to oppressed peoples and freedom fighters, and assist the Coalition of emerging independent states as best they can in their limited capacity.


Along with the profits gained from their many legitimate businesses they still have a large reserve of wealth obtained from previous operations. Using funds 'Liberated' from criminal syndicates, dictators and terrorist groups they are able to keep operations well funded and compensate agents. They have armouries stocked with weapons they manufacture themselves and they have an R&D wing that develops a large variety of tools and gadgetry. They are also given material and intelligence support by government intelligence agencies they cooperate such as MIS and ISDR.


In 1468 they operated as the Office of asymmetrical battle. A special international military unit fighting for the coalition to defend the Tsaranese republic during the Celestial independence war. Their mission was to go behind enemy lines throughout the union and its empire and "Burn the union alive" as one officer put it. They conducted intelligence missions, sabotage, assassinations, propaganda spreading, reconnaissance, jail breaks, incursions and many other daring acts to weaken the union from within. Throughout their operations they witnessed first hand the many horrors and injustices the Celestian regime had inflicted on the people of Tsaran and beyond which hardened their hearts against them even further. When the war ended, hundreds of high ranking Celestial escaped justice and much to the surprise and horror of the OAB were given amnesty in many of the nations they represented, using their wealth, connections and influence to live affluent lives. Horrified and disillusioned with their own governments a large group of OAB veterans reunited at their old primary headquarters of the Braywind estate in Kaipen. They came together in the belief that if the Celestians and those like them could come to power again, they would blight the worlds with misery, tyranny and injustice forever. They vowed to take what they had learned during the war and imbue it with a new sense of purpose. Operating in the shadows they would work to prevent people like the Celestians from ever taking power again, and undermine similar regimes across the world. Naming their organisation after their old HQ they got to work immediately. The founders were allowed to loot a large sum of wealth from Celestians during the war and they used that wealth to open businesses or purchase property back home to operate from in secret such as the fishing wolf pub and Skylarhill distillery in Byron or the Blue rose boutique in Lenore. They started hunting down Celestian war criminals and taking them back to Tsaran to face trial. They had successfully tracked down seventy three of them arresting sixty three and killing ten. Scouring their financial records the institute discovered that the Celestians had been colluding with various criminal syndicates and political factions of similar ideals to them. They spent some time dismantling their operations but it wasn't long before official inelegance agencies began tracking them down. The Confederation of the Astasian crown sent the royal security directorate (RSD) to route this mysterious faction out as they had been helping abolitionist factions and exposing sentient rights violations throughout their empire. However the nations of the old coalition came to them with a deal. Given that they seemed to be on the same page ideologically the top government and security officials of the coalition nations offered cooperation. Provided that the institute assisted them with intelligence and mutually beneficial operations for the sake of some plausible deniability the coalition nations would provide funding, assistance and look the other way. The institute board of instructors reluctantly voted in favour of the deal realising that they had enough enemies as it was. However chief instructor Vintal Yadi felt it was germane to inform them that they would not inform them of all their secrets. And if they double crossed them in any way they would not hesitate to return the favour tenfold. For ninety years since they have worked in the shadows and the worlds are changing. Nations are emerging and the empires are forming themselves into armed camps. All monitored by the institute who are constantly ready to act.
Founding Date
Military, Intelligence
Alternative Names
Moths, The secret army, The hangout
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Notable Members


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