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The pack of strays

The pack of strays are an orgenisation of idealistic professional criminals who have become known as 'Heistavists'. They will be a group of recurring antagonists in the Bethany Ambrose series


Intelligence agencies have failed to uncover much about their command structure. All we know is that their operations are usually six man teams with a team leader. One notable team leader who has led some of they're more audacious ops is believed to be an Ladyra female known as 'Cobra' as her visor helmet the gang wear as their uniform is decorated with white cobras snaking down her cheekbones.

Public Agenda

They seek to undermine and rob as much wealth from business and political entities they consider as the 'leeches' of society while enriching themselves in the process. With each job they pull the make efforts to expose the corruption and underhanded deeds of they're victims in an effort to force governments to take action.


They are believed to have a wide variety of black market connections from which they obtain top of the line mancing equipment and tech to military grade weapons. So far they have robbed at least fifty six million Sovereigns in cash, bonds, precious metals and stones and various other criminal activities and as such they have plenty of money to play with. Allegedly investing their funds in a rumoured worldwide illicit stock exchange. Their connections extend to international criminal and terrorist organisations who contract jobs to them and provide them with transport and harbour them when the heat is to high.


It is beleived that the Strays were all once part of the system they are fighting against. Police and securuty officers, army, polotics ect. Each with a sudden bout of a good consious and idealism or just greed and oppertunism sought to bring down the corruption that had infested modern society. According to them there is no better way to fight people who don't care about poverty than by making them poorer. and so they have done just that. Over a six year international spree they have robbed banks, private treasuries, ships, sky yaughts, an astral trade port and even managed to rob two Lenore cassinos in one night. They hve also been suspected in taking part in other illicet activities from gun running to smuggling illigal mancy amplifiers
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
The bikers


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