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Aes Sídhe

The Aes Sídhe (ace shee-thuh) are Fae creatures of Celtic legend whose characteristics and abilities vary widely. From the wailing Banshee, to the mischievous Fear Dearg, to the shape-changing Pooka, the Aes Sídhe are a diverse race of Fae as dynamic in behaviors as they are varied in form.

When choosing an Aes Sídhe as a player character race, choose two (2) Boons and two (2) Scourges from the lists below. It’s helpful to consider the character’s heritage when making your choice to ensure that each ability represents the ancestry, culture, and interactions of your kind.

NOTE: The lists below represent some of the abilities exhibited by creatures of Celtic lore, but it should not be considered definitive. Please work with your GM if you have different concepts in mind for your character.


  • Ageless: The Fae are incredibly long lived. After reaching adulthood, this character ages at one-tenth the normal rate for humans.
  • Aquatic: This character cannot drown in water. Additionally, they may swim at their basic Pace.
  • Armor: Natural armor covers this character and may be a thick hide, chitinous plates, or Magical armor fused to their skin. Whatever the source, the character receives a +1 to Toughness.
  • Animal Affinity: This is identical to the Beast Master Edge.
  • Bard: Start with d6 in the Performance skill.
  • Claws: The character has some form of natural weaponry, such as claws or boney spikes. When fighting barehanded, the character inflicts Strength + d6 damage.
  • Construct: This character is made of something other than flesh and blood. Some examples are wood, stone, or clay. A construct gains +2 when attempting to recover from Shaken and does not suffer from Wound Modifiers.
  • Fae Beauty: +2 Charisma. This is not beauty as we normally think of it, but rather a supernatural attraction. For example, characters with this Boon may be monstrous in appearance and still recieve the Charisma bonus.
  • Fleet Footed: Pace of 8, d10 running die. For characters with Aquatic or Fly, this may be applied to those forms of locomotion instead. Each form of locomotion requires a separate buy of Fleet Footed.
  • Fly: May fly at basic Pace. Flying characters may use their running die in a dive.
  • Innate Magick: Innate Magick is an innate, limited version of the new Fae Magick Arcane Background that has the following restrictions. Innate Magick cannot benefit from advancement, meaning no new powers can be learned (ex. as gained through the New Powers Edge) and no additional Power Points can be gained (ex. as are normally granted through the Power Points Edge). Additionally, a player with the Innate Magick boon does not gain the ability to use Cantrips. Finally, the Innate Magick boon has no Arcane skill as it reflects the innate magic of the Fae. All attempts at using Innate Magick are resolved with a Spirit roll.
    Note: A player may still select the Arcane Background (Fae Magick) Edge with Glamour (Spirit) as its Arcane Skill at any time they would normally be able to do so and follow the normal rules associated with that arcane background including the ability to use Cantrips (as well as the ability to expand their spell casting abilities normally using the Power Points and New Powers Edges). Should a player do so, the starting Power Points do not stack.
  • Immunity: This Fae is immune to a particular substance (poison, alcohol), environment (cold, heat, water), or condition (sleep deprivation, hunger, disease).
  • Large: Not all the Folk fit the image of the diminutive flower faery. This character stands nearly 8 feet tall, and has a +3 Toughness modifier. They are easier to hit however, so opponents gain +2 when attacking a Large Fae.
  • Low Light Vision: This Fae suffers no effects when acting in low light conditions. In total darkness, they are at –2 for all actions requiring vision.
  • Innate Resistance: This boon is identical to the Arcane Resistance Edge.
  • Rend: A powerful bite that inflicts Strength + d6 Damage.
  • Shape Change: Can shape shift to a single animal form. The transformation can be complete, or partial. For example a human body with an animal head, or legs, or the hybrid image of a werewolf.
  • Sneaky: +2 to Stealth rolls.
  • Tinker: Per the McGyver Edge. Ignore the requirements for this Edge.
  • Tough: +1 Toughness.
  • Wall Walker: Can climb vertical or inverted surfaces. Climbing roles are only required when performing actions that require the use of hands or feet.


  • Slow: Not all Fae are as fleet of foot or wing as those in fiction. Some are slow and ungainly, though just as deadly. This character has a pace of 4, and a d4 Running Die.
  • Scourges
  • Bestial Rage: Whenever this Fae smells fresh blood, they risk going into an uncontrollable rage. While enraged, they will attack the nearest person, friend or foe. To see if Bestial Rage takes them, players must make a Spirit Roll. If they succeed they resist their bestial nature. If they fail they become enraged. While enraged, the player must make a Spirit roll each round to regain control. After a critical failure, they may only make the Spirit roll every 2 rounds.
  • Blood Thirst: Fae with this Scourge must consume 1 pint of blood per day, or suffer a Fatigue. At the end of the third day without blood, the character is incapacitated. Each day after, they suffer 1 Wound. If they do not receive blood by the seventh day, they die.
  • Environmental Dependence: Some Folk are dependent on a particular type of environment for survival. They must spend at least one hour per day in that environment, or suffer a Fatigue. At the end of the third day outside their environment, the character is incapacitated.
  • Environmental Weakness: Fae with this weakness is particularly susceptible to a specific environment (Cold, Heat, Wet, Dry). All Vigor rolls are at –2 while in this environment.
  • Folk Bane: Most Fae are susceptible to an object, substance, or action. This can be anything from herbs and metals, to prayer or wearing ones clothes inside out. All actions against someone possessing a Folk Bane are at –4, regardless of proximity.
  • Frail: This character may be small, thin-skinned, or have hollow bones. They are at –1 Toughness.
  • Night Thing: Not all Fae are at home in daylight. Some only thrive in the night. A Night Thing suffers a –1 penalty to all actions taken between dawn and dusk.
  • Small: The image of the tiny, winged sprite may be cliché, but some Fae are diminutive. Reduce Toughness by 2. Being small has one distinct advantage – small Fae are hard to hit. Subtract 2 from any attack roll made against this character.
  • True Speak: This character cannot tell a deliberate lie. They may use half-truths and deflection, but if asked a direct question, they must answer truthfully.
  • Ugly: The popular image of a Faery is that of a stunningly beautiful, winged woman. This isn’t always the case. Some Fae are downright hideous. This Scourge is the same as the Ugly Hindrance in the Savage Worlds rules.
  • Vulnerability: Folklore often tells of a Fae weakness to cold iron, which is partially true. Many Fae have a weakness to weapons made from a certain substance. It may be iron, silver, gold, or a type of wood like pine or mahogany. The Fae suffers an additional d6 damage from attacks made with a weapon crafted their scourge substance.
Average Height
Average Weight

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