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When choosing a Brownie as a player character race, use the following characteristics:

  • Adaptable: Brownies are able to adapt to many different situations. They start with two extra Edges of their choice.
  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Short: Brownies are only 3ft tall and considered Size -1. They move at a Pace of 5 and subtract 1 from their Toughness.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Brownies are a race of Fae found commonly throughout the Lankhmar midlands.

Ecology and Habitats

Brownies live in communes in areas of marsh or, in rare cases, swamp land. Their dwellings and other buildings are built on stilts or raised platforms and because the swamps and marshes can be dangerous they generally have guard posts that are quite visible.

The most important building in the community is typically a large, circular building in the middle of the commune. This is where meetings of importance are held and a large hut at the back houses the elder and his family.

Brownies have sizeable dwellings due to the size of their fami- lies. Most brownie couples have at least 4 or 5 children.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are vegetarians as the thought of eating any kind of flesh fills them with revulsion. However, when hosting a feast for meat eaters, they will provide meat if so desired.

Additionally, they are keen on alcohol and brew their own potent ales and wines.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Brownies often wear their hair long and females decorate them with feathers, petals, and anything bright and shiny.

Their eyes are deep brown or bright hazel with flecks of green and yellow seen periodically.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Brownies live in settlements ranging from a large village to a small town. They are generally welcoming to strangers and are always chatting, the noise is said to be somewhat distracting to scholars.

They enjoy poetry and music and hardly a moment goes by when music cannot be heard coming from a residence or two. Brownies are known for making up tunes on the spot.
The average brownie lives for 260-330 years, though the elders often go beyond this, living for up to 400 years.
Average Height
Brownies are only 3ft tall

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