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Drain Life

Drain Life

Rank: Novice
Power Points: 5
Range: Smarts
Duration: 1 hour/Rank
Trappings: Heat stroke, illness, freezing cold, strangling smoke
Some wizards like to give their foes a warning instead of killing them. Others just like to see their enemies struggle before they die. Drain Life allows a magician to weaken a target over time and even kill if the spell continues long enough. The caster makes an opposed roll of her Spellcasting trait against the target’s Spirit. If the caster is successful, the victim is weakened and suffers a level of Fatigue immediately. If the mage keeps the spell active, the victim must succeed at a Vigor roll each hour thereafter or suffer another level of Fatigue. Once the victim becomes Incapacitated, he continues to make Vigor rolls each hour the spell is active. A subsequent failure means he dies. A raise on any of the Vigor rolls ends the spell.
Example: Mog and her coven cast drain life on Fafhrd, intensifying the cold around him. If he does not resist the initial casting, he must make a Vigor roll every hour for the next three hours (one hour per Mog’s effective Rank of Veteran).
Once the spell is ended by any means (including voluntary removal by the caster), Fatigue is recovered at one level per
15 minutes. Using such dark sorcery taints the soul of the caster as well as inflicting pain upon the target. With each casting the wizard must make a Spirit roll or gain a point of Corruption (see Way of the Magi), this is in addition to any effects from Backlash.

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