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When choosing a Gnome as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Handy: Gnomes are quite good with mechanics, starting with Repair d6.
  • Keen Hearing: Although they have poor vision, gnomes have great hearing, gaining a +2 bonus to Notice when using it.
  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Nearsighted: Gnomes alas have poor long range vision; they suffer a -2 to Notice rolls to spot anything at long distances.
  • Quick: Gnomes are quick on their feet; whenever dealt a 5 or lower in combat, they may discard and draw again until getting a card higher than 5.
  • Short: Gnomes are considered size -1, subtracting 1 from their Tough- ness.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Gnomes are a race distantly related to the Fae.

Ecology and Habitats

It is said that if you are approaching a section of town composed of small buildings and the first thing you see are clouds of colored smoke and hear a constant hammering, then chances are you have stumbled across a gnome settlement.

Another clue is the buildings will be decorated with devices like wind chimes made of scraps of metal or the walls of the buildings will be studded with metal rivets and shards of colored glass.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Though most have keen eyes, many can be found sporting a pair of glasses perched on their nose or on top of their heads. These are typically used for the incredibly detailed work they do.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

It is said that the science of ‘clockwork’ was invented by the Gnomes.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes are a friendly and inquisitive lot and if mentioning a project requiring assembly, they are only too happy to help.
Gnomes have one of the longest lifespans in all of the Fey Realm. They can live between 500 to 700 years of age.
Average Height
Gnomes rarely exceed 3 1/2ft in height.
Average Physique
Males are almost always bald, if not they havea ‘halo’ of hair they wear quite long, letting it flow loosely over their collars (although many wear hats, preventing their hair from being seen).

Females wear their hair in tight buns, fastened with pins fashioned out of metal or bone.

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