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Grave Speak

Grave Speak

Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 minutes/Rank
Trappings: Runes carved on bodily remains, necromantic tomes
It is said the dead know many secrets, and through the black arts a mage can reach beyond death to contact their departed souls. There is some risk to this, of course, for the dead do not always rest easy. In order for this spell to work, it must be directed toward a particular soul. The caster must either know the name of the deceased or possess a personal item, which includes their corpse or a part of it at least, as well as any of the deceased person’s treasured possessions.
If the spell is successfully cast, a disembodied voice makes itself known and may be questioned. The caster may ask
the spirit one question for each minute the spell is active. The spirit contacted is not necessarily friendly and can lie, but it may not refuse to answer or make guesses. The GM must adjudicate what information the entity knows—the spirit is not omnipotent and knows only what it knew in life up to the moment of its death.
A roll of a 1 on the caster’s arcane skill, regardless of Wild Die, causes Backlash and may summon a demon or other hostile entity. While it cannot directly affect the caster, it tries to convince him it is the person he sought, then feeds him inaccurate or dangerous information, perhaps seeking to lead the interloper to his death.

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