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Halflings (Hobbits)

When choosing a Hobbit as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Commune with Nature: Halflings are raised to understand the natural world around them and its connection with the spiritual realm. They start with a d6 in Spirit instead of d4.
  • Hard to Hit: Due to their smaller size and quick feet, halflings receive a +1 bonus to Parry.
  • Short: Halflings are considered Size -1, subtracting 1 from their Toughness.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Halflings are a race distantly related to the Fae.

Ecology and Habitats

Halflings live in in forest, open plain villages, or in their own Ward within the lower city of Mistas De Saard. These communities are relatively small, rarely consisting of more than twenty families. They are self-sufficient working off and with the land, almost as in touch with nature as elves. Their settlements are well protected with gates typically manned by guards armed with short spears and short swords.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Each community is led by a council of elders and all judicial matters are passed over to them. These groups vary in size from a half dozen to ten elders comprised of members of both genders. If there are matters so grave that elders can not resolve, a vote is put to all adults in the community.

Facial characteristics

They have fair skin with rounded ears, pale-colored eyes, and sometimes they mark their faces with swirls and whorls of charcoal or a chalk like substance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found commonly throughout the Lankhmar midlands and in the Hobbitton Ward of Mistas De Saard.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Halflings tend to be somewhat insular. Though not hostile to visitors, they make it apparent that they hope visitors do not linger for too long.

While halflings of the Fey Wilds can be far more argumentative and even fight amongst themselves, those dwelling in Mistas De Saard seemed to have learned the art of balance. The ancestors of the city dwelling halflings originally established their ward known as Hobbitton after fleeing a long ago war. Through adversity came unity, and those bonds remain strong, creating this tight-knit community.

Given Hobbitton’s affinity for safety, halflings openly court relations with elves, dryads, brownies, faeries, and gnomes while remaining standoffish toward outsiders.
The average halfling lives for 150 to 180 years of age.
Average Height
Halflings are the second smallest of the fey races averaging a mere 3ft in height.
Average Weight
Halflings rarely weigh more than 75lbs.

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