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Maxamillian Forthwright

Male Dryad (Novice)
Pace: 6; Parry: 6/8; Toughness: 8 (2)


  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d4
  • Spirit d6
  • Strength d8
  • Vigor d6


  • Athletics d8
  • Common Knowledge d4
  • Fighting d8
  • Notice d4
  • Persuasion d6 -2
  • Stealth d4 +2
  • Survival d6
  • Taunt d6
  • Thievery d6


  • Arrogant (Major): Likes to dominate his opponent and challenge the most powerful foe in combat.
  • Curious (Minor): Curious characters have to check out everything and always want to know what’s behind a potential mystery or secret.
  • Loyal (Minor): Max is loyal to his friends.


  • Acrobat: Free reroll on acrobatic Athletics attempts.
  • Ambidextrous: Ignore –2 penalty when making Trait rolls with off-hand. If holding a weapon in each hand, Ambidextrous characters may stack Parry bonuses (if any) from both weapons.
  • Two-Fisted: Make one extra Fighting roll with a second melee weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.

Racial Boons:

  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Bark Skin: A dryad’s skin is tough like a tree. They gain a +1 bonus to Toughness at character creation.
  • Immune to Poison: Dryads are immune to poisons that come from plants.
  • Forest Born: Dryads begin play with a d4 in Survival.
  • Woodland Camouflage: Dryads gain a +2 bonus to Stealth while surrounded by thick trees such as a forest or jungle.

Racial Scourges:

  • Aloof: Due to their unsocial nature, dryads incur a -2 penalty to Persuasion.
  • Fire Weakness: Due to their wood-like composition, fire attacks gain a +2 bonus to damage against dryads.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maximilian has soldier's build. While he's not a big burly berserker, he's muscular enough to defeat opponents and lean enough to defeat them with agility.

Body Features

His skin appears bark-like, his arms are seemingly rough and grayish with criss-crossing lenticels.

Identifying Characteristics

He smells like peaches.

Apparel & Accessories

Note: Armor is written in parentheses next to a character’s Toughness, like this: X (Y). This means Y points of the character’s X Toughness comes from Armor. An Armor Piercing attack can bypass those Y points but not the remaining total.


  • Reinforced leather (+2 AP)


  • Heavy Rapier (Damage Str+d6, Parry +1)
  • Parrying Dagger/Main Gauche (Damage Str+d4, Parry +1)
  • Slayer's Whip (Damage Str+d6) Note: Parry –1; Reach +2; Ignores shield/weapon Parry or Cover bonus; -2 Target's Parry on Raise instead of additional d6 Damage
  • Mini-Crossbow (Range 6/12/24, Damage 2d4, ROF 1, AP 1)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spawned in a peach tree, Max was raised with a sense of humor because as a warrior, he was no peach. At a young age, he was trained in a multitude of weapons and taught to protect Mother. When Mortimer came to study plants, Max was assigned to be his guard. whilst guarding him, Max picked up the skill of reading and he often found human books to be full of crap. When the metor fell across the sky, Max was sent to join the party to figure out what was happening.

Accomplishments & Achievements


  1. Two-Fisted Edge
  2. Increase STRENGTH to d8

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

For a tree, he's really loud.


Contacts & Relations

Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm a peach, literally"
Aligned Organization

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