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Maxamillian Forthwright

Maxamillian Forthwright (a.k.a. Peach)

Maximilian, he's a peach... tree

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maximilian has soldier's build while he's not big burly berserk-er. He's muscular enough to defeat opponents and lean enough to defeat them with agility

Body Features

There seems to be growing bark out of his arms.

Identifying Characteristics

He smells like peaches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spawned in a peach tree, Max was raised with a sense of humor, because as a warrior, he was no peach. At a young age, he was trained in a multitude of weapons and taught to protect Mother. When Mortimer came to study plants, Max was assigned to be his guard. whilst guarding him, Max picked up the skill of reading and he often found human books to be full of crap. When the meteor fell across the sky, Max was sent to join the party to figure out what was happening.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

For a tree, he's really loud.

mmhmhmhmhmmm.... peaches

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Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm a peach, literally"

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