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New Combat Edges

Shield Wall

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: a shield (Med. or Lrg.) AND an adjacent ally with a shield (Med. or Lrg.)
A chain is never stronger than its weakest link. Raise the shield wall! Hold the front line! Fight 'til death! When your hero stands shoulder-to-shoulder with an adjacent ally with a shield, the Parry and Cover bonuses provided by their shields are bettered by 2 for both heroes. (ex. with a medium shield a hero's Parry increase to +4 and Cover improves to -4).
Note: Only one hero is required to have this edge for both players to receive the benefit. If both heroes have this edge, they both receive a +2 to Soak rolls.

Shield Mastery

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8+, Fighting d8+, Two-Fisted
A true master with weapon-and-shield combat learns how to use his shield offensively while maintaining the defensive value of it. Shield Mastery allows the warrior to use his shield as a secondary weapon without losing the Parry bonus it confers. Medium and small shields do Str+d4 damage, while large shields do Str+d6. Off-Hand penalties still apply.


Shield Guardian

Type: Combat
Requirements: Veteran, Shield Mastery
For some warriors, a shield is not just for personal defense, but also the defense of his allies. These warriors learn how to use their shield to protect allies as well as themselves. At the start of his turn, a character with this Edge can declare an adjacent character to receive all of the same defensive bonuses he receives from his shield (including Parry bonuses, cover, magical enhancements, etc these bonuses are shared, not lost. If the declared target moves away from the Guardian, the bonuses are lost to the target (though not to the Guardian).
The shared defenses remain until the beginning of the Shield Guardian’s next turn. A character can only benefit from one Shield Guardian at a time.

Battle Cry

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Novice, Intimidation d8
As a Test (opposed roll; Intimidation v. target Spirit), this character can attempt to intimidate everyone in a given area, instead of a single target. Place the Large Burst Template adjacent to this character. Every creature within the template must roll to resist this character’s Intimidate roll.
Note: If not using templates, this can affect up to 4 creatures with the GM’s discretion.

Melee Rhythm

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Novice, Agility d8, Performance d6
This character’s love of music and dance has translated into a deadly combat art. Melee Rhythm performs best when working with a team of fellow combatants; it grants their adjacent allies an additional +1 to their Gang Up bonus.


Melee Sway

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Seasoned, Melee Rhythm
This character has modified the flow of their dance and added a Melee Sway to their rhythmic combat art. Melee Sway grants a +2 bonus when escaping from Grapple, Constrict, Entangle, or similar conditions/abilities. Gang Up bonuses against the character are reduced by 1.


Whirling Dervish

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Veteran, Melee Sway
Masters of the dance have learned the secret cadence at the heart of the fighting arts. Their Reach increases by 1” as they become a Whirling Dervish across the battlefield and they roll a second Fighting die with any one of their Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same or different targets as the player sees fit. Resolve each attack separately.


Way of the Twisted Branch

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Agility d8, Athletics d8
Followers of the Way of the Twisted Branch are known for their nimble movements and acrobatic system of fighting. They gain +1 to Athletics Tricks/Tests (contested roll, attacker's Athletics v. target's Agility), their Pace is increased by 1, and their Running die increases by 1 step.

Way of the Thorny Vine

Type: Combat Edge
RequirementsWay of the Twisted Branch
Followers of the Way of the Thorny Vine are known for their swashbuckling style and cinematic system of fighting. They reduce the multi-action penalty by 2 when performing an attack and an Athletics Trick/Test (contested roll, attacker's Athletics v. target's Agility) in the same round.

Defender's Pledge

Type: Combat Edge
Requirements: Agility d8, a weapon or shield with a Parry value
Those committed to the Defender's Pledge are the shield for those who have none. The +4 Parry bonus from the hero's Defend action (which takes the hero's entire turn) extends to 1 adjacent ally.

Stalwart Ward

Type: Combat Edge
RequirementsDefender's Pledge, Vigor d8
Stalwart defenders are not only worthy of their pledge to shield others, they aspire to prevent harm to their wards altogether. Heroes with this edge gain and share with 1 adjacent ally the ability to ignore 1 point of Wound penalties and gain +2 to Soak rolls when taking the Defend action (which takes the hero's entire turn).

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