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New Power and Weird Edges


Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background
Note: In a low magic setting, the Edge may be taken only once per rank. For high magic, the Edge can be taken every time the character advances.
Enchant allows a character to craft “enchanted items.” These are devices which essentially allow the user—whether he’s a spellcaster or not—to cast whatever power the item is imbued with. Each time the caster takes this Edge, he may create an enchanted item with any one of his own existing powers.
The item has the Arcane Skill of the caster at the time of its creation, and half his Power Points (round down). Items recharge at the standard rate (typically one Power Point per hour), though if the creator has Rapid Recharge or Improved Rapid Recharge then so does the item. The wielder cannot use his own Power Points with enchanted items—they are effectively “locked.” Items created through this Edge are referred to as minor artifacts.
Malfunction: Items created in this way fail to activate if the arcane skill die roll is a 1, regardless of the Wild Die, but have no further ill effects.
Multiple Enchantments: An item with more than one power does not gain additional Power Points. (Though if the second Enchant Edge is “cast” after the character gained more Power Points, the device gains the higher total). The same applies to the creator’s Spellcasting skill. If it has increased since he placed the previous enchantment, it now increases to his current level. While a character can add further powers to his own devices, he cannot alter those of others.
The user can decide which powers he’s activating when he makes his arcane skill roll, however. He may also make a single roll for all the powers the device has. If a hero carries a ring enchanted with invisibility and armor, for example, both powers must share its pool of Power Points, but the wearer can decide whether to activate only one of its powers or both with a single roll.

Improved Enchant

Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Legendary, Enchant
Note: For a high magic setting, the cost in permanent Power Points is equal to the usual cost of casting the spell.
In low magic settings, these costs should be doubled or even tripled.
Improved Enchant works the same way as Enchant with one important exception—the power is “always on” and no longer requires Power Points to use (it has infinite points). The cost, however, is the permanent expenditure of the creator’s own Power Points.
A wand of fireballs (blast), for example, could be created for 2 points. If the caster wanted the fireballs to cause 3d6 damage, the cost would be 4. For 3d6 damage and a Large Burst Template, the cost is 6. Similarly, a suit of plate mail could be given additional Toughness with the expenditure of 2 permanent Power Points.
When the device is created, the creator makes an arcane skill roll. Failure means the Power Points are lost (and at the GM’s fiat, the device is destroyed as well—or it could become cursed). A success means the power is activated as usual. A raise means the power forever activates with a raise (if desired by the user).
Artifacts which are always on (a ring of invisibility, a cloak of stealth, and so on), don’t require an arcane skill roll to activate—but may require an action to “ready”—the ring must be put on, the cloak pulled over the shoulder, etc. Thus a ring of invisibility could always be worn and require no activation roll—but the wearer would always be invisible.
Artifacts requiring activation, such as a wand of fireballs, require a suitable skill roll (Shooting for wands, for example).
All artifacts created using this Edge are called major artifacts.

Arcane Artificer

Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Seasoned, Arcane Background
Note: For a high magic setting, the character can make their casting trait roll at the end of any session in which he advances. In low-magic settings, the character can make the roll at the end of any session in which he gains a new rank.
One trained in the creation of magical items may etch mystical runes to craft (or modify) an item that adds +1 to the user’s relevant trait roll, increases the damage of a weapon by +1, or increases the bonus of armor by +1. Runes are the most common “trapping” of this Edge, but such details depend on the particular setting. No activation roll is required.
This takes great time and energy, however, and more often that not results in failure. Still, a diligent artificer can make some truly amazing devices. Assuming the artificer is always “fiddling” with devices (not locked in a dungeon, for example), and has adequate tools (see p. 8), he may make a casting trait roll at –2 for each +1 the object posses (ex. -2 for the first plus, -4 for +2 items, and -6 for +3 items). If successful, he adds another +1 to any item of his choice.
This could be his own blade, the cloak of another, or any other item of his choice. The item now adds that bonus to the user’s relevant trait or damage roll, or armor rating. No item may have more than a +3 bonus (such devices are relics and outside the scope of this ability).
Stacking: Bonuses from items don’t stack, so a sword +3 (Fighting) wielded by someone with gauntlets +3 (Fighting gets only the highest of the two.


Improved Arcane Artificer

Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Veteran, Arcane Artificer
Truly experienced casters can inscribe runes of power that provide an item with an Edge. This Edge uses the same rules as Arcane Artificer, with one notable exception. While the character need not have the Edge he is placing into an item, he must be of the same rank. For instance, a Veteran character could not inscribe Improved First Strike.
An individual item may contain no more than three Edges (again, items with more are considered true relics and beyond the ken of characters). Where an Edge requires another Edge as a requirement (such as Improved Frenzy needing Frenzy), the requirement Edge must be worked into the item first and uses one of the item’s three Edge “slots.”
Edges placed in items allow anyone wearing or carrying the object (as appropriate) to gain the benefits of the Edge without needing to meet the requirements. An item must be worn or a weapon drawn to gain the effects of the Edge. Simply owning an axe of the berserker does not grant one the Berserk Edge.
Stacking: Some Edges, typically those granting a fixed bonus, do stack with Edges possessed by the wielder.


Blood Magic

Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Arcane Background (Way of the Magi)
Note: The following edges have two parts, the first can be used by any Magus Tradition the second can only be used by a Dark Magus. Selecting a Dark Magus Edge will permanently convert a Light or Grey Magus to a Dark Magus.
My Blood for Power (Any Magi): While casting the spell the practitioner inflicts a wound onto themselves granting an automatic casting success. In the event of a critical failure all normal events occur along with the self-inflicted wound.
Sacrifice for Power (Black Magi Only): As part of the spell casting the practitioner mortally wounds a prepared sacrifice granting a number of successes equal to half the victim’s smarts die. In the event of a critical failure the victim is slain and the caster takes all the normal results of a critical failure of a Dark Magus.


Siphoning Magic

Type: Power Edge
Requirements: Arcane Background (Way of the Magi)
Note: The following edges have two parts, the first can be used by any Magus Tradition the second can only be used by a Dark Magus. Selecting a Dark Magus Edge will permanently convert a Light or Grey Magus to a Dark Magus.
Siphoner (Any Magi): Borrowing from the surrounding life force a Siphoner can use an action to draw a number of power points from the flora around them equal to the number of successes on their casting roll. These power points create a separate pool and must be used within 10 rounds. In the event of a critical failure all power points are lost along with the normal effects of a casting critical failure.
Defiler (Black Magi Only): As part of the casting action a Defiler rips the life energy from the flora around. Before the spell is cast make a casting roll for each success one power point is gained. In the event of a critical failure no points are gained, the caster takes a level of fatigue and is shaken. If there is not sufficient flora to be consumed the caster takes one wound per power point gained as his own body is consumed for his magic.

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