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When choosing a nyad as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Aquatic: Nyads cannot drown while underwater, although they can also breathe while on land. Additionally, they have a swimming Pace equal to their regular Pace +1.
  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Underwater Camouflage: Nyads gain a +2 bonus to Stealth while under the water. Unfortunately, their blue skin stands out significantly while out of the water, incurring a -2 penalty when not moving about in the dark.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Nyads are an aquatic race of Fae.

Ecology and Habitats

Nyads live in large settlements dispersed along the length of river banks or shorelines. They make their homes using the silt and sand that covers the bed of the river or sea.

These are surprisingly spacious for they are built downwards rather than upwards. Interiors are illuminated by luminous fungi, or stones only they seem to locate, and all rooms are open to all, no doorways bar the way. All rooms are flooded completely so very few species from outside their realm can visit their settlements; this has the added benefit of making it incredibly difficult to attack a nyad community.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Nyads eat meat and are particularly fond of crustaceans and fish.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Nyad communities are governed by representatives of the oldest bloodline in the settlement who have the final word in all judicial matters.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nyads are very similar to dryads, except for their affinity toward water. They can often be seen playing and frolicking along the banks of rivers and streams or amongst the waterfalls of Mistas De Saard.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Nyads often wear clothes festooned with seashells and seemingly made of seaweed but which is a synthetic material that is surprisingly resilient, especially against fire.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Of all the Fae species encountered in Lankhmar, nyads are one of the most welcoming. Perhaps only the halflings rival their willingness to throw a party or offer a feast for any reason.

Some races criticize them for being too open, leaving themselves vulnerable to exploitation or attack. However, this openness does not mean gullibility; they have developed the skill of seeing through deception and any lies will be met with more than disdain.

Nyads have an inherent hatred of Sylkies as they pollute and corrupt the waters of Nehwon.
Average Height
Nyads vary in height from 5ft 2in to 5ft 10in.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have mottled blue and green skin, almost like incredibly fine fish scales, that seems to glisten even in the driest of environments and their coloration resembles the swirls and whorls of flowing water, making them difficult to see when they are submersed.

They wear their hair long, but they typically tie it into a pony tail to facilitate easy passage under the water. Their hair is normally shaded in multiple hues of blue and greens. If they dwell in rivers or streams, their hair color becomes a silver grey to the point where it is almost invisible while in the water.

They can survive on dry land and are not wholly dependent on water. Nyads secrete an oil to keep their skin moist. If they get too dry, they seek water to immerse themselves or pour over their bodies.

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