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When choosing a Rakashan as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Agile: Rakashans have the feline grace of their ancestors. They start with a d6 Agility attribute instead of a d4.
  • Bloodthirsty: Rakashans can be cruel to their foes, often toying with them for simple amusement. They rarely take prisoners and feel little compunction about punishing captured foes. This causes a –4 Charisma penalty among more “civilized” types.
  • Claws: Rakashans have retractable claws that do Str+d6 damage and grant +2 to Climb rolls on all but completely sheer surfaces.
  • Low Light Vision: Rakashan eyes amplify light. They can see in the dark and ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Rakashans are a race distantly related to the Fae.

Ecology and Habitats

Rakashans are believed to have originated in the southern Jungles of Klesh where it is rumored that their own remote and exotic cities can be found. While they have no official standing or settlement within Mistas De Saard, their distant relationship to the Fae means they are commonly found within the city.

Otherwise they can be found scattered around the continent of Lankhmar, as they are too beautiful to be shunned, but outside the Fae Wilds and the Jungles of Klesh, they are too foreign to be easily accepted except at the very fringes of normal society.
Average Physique
Rakashans have the form of humans with the features of felines. They have sharp claws and teeth and a cruel nature when it comes to dealing with their prey.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They come in a wide variety of markings and colors: the bright colors of tigers, the speckled hides of leopards, and the exotic look of Siamese cats are all appropriate.

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