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When choosing a sprite as a player character race, use the following characteristics:
  • Flight: Sprites fly and dart about like dragonflies, gaining a flying Pace of 7 and being capable of moving in any direction at that speed.
  • Free Spirited: Sprites begin Character Creation with Spirit d8 and may raise it to d12+2 during normal advancement.
  • Low Light Vision: Fey races can see quite well in the dark. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.
  • Small: Sprites are considered to be Size -2. They subtract -2 from their Toughness and start Character Creation at Pace 3, but attack rolls directed at them incur a -2 penalty; their weapons are always Str+d4 and can never benefit from Reach; Strength can never advance beyond d6.
  • True Vision: Sprites can perceive illusions, gaining a +2 bonus to Notice checks to see through them.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Sprites are perhaps the most free spirited and curious of the fey races.

Ecology and Habitats

Sprites live in structures made of wood pulp and other materials they find on the forest floor. Their nests are incredibly tough and can withstand a surprising amount of damage.

In Mistas De Saard, their homes often resemble paper lanterns and can be found throughout the city.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Even if sprites appear to be childlike and easily distracted, they are actually capable of organization and structured living. When it comes to laws, they have a council of elders that take all transgressions into account. Most punishments are simple, the surrender of possessions in lieu of a fine say, and even the worst transgressions earn the perpetrator little more than a severe fine.

Of all the Fae races, they are perhaps the most reluctant to shed blood or inflict harm upon others; they prefer to rally together and make themselves a nuisance when threatened.

Facial characteristics

Their eyes never seem to stay the same color for more than a few seconds at a time, shifting through the spectrum of known colors and sometimes taking on hues that have no words in the human language to describe them.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Sprites hardly ever stay stationary and rarely set foot on the ground preferring to stay airborne which they can do without tiring.

They appear unable to stay still for extended periods of time, constantly flitting around and are terribly curious, peering over shoulders to read texts, asking questions, and generally looking into things that grab their attention.

They are brave when confronted by danger, but prefer to retreat if the odds appear untenable.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Sprites make an effort to get along with everybody. They are friendly, outgoing, and only their endless curiosity may cause friction with less patient races. They are particularly friendly with faeries and other high Fae races.
Sprites live between 100-350 years, typically maturing into an adult at 70.
Average Height
Sprites are tiny, standing at no more than 7in tall.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have strikingly colored hair, sometimes bright green or blue, perhaps pink.

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