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The Fantasy Races

Fantasy Races of Lankhmar


Dwarves are short, stout, hardy people who come from massive caverns in the high mountains. They are a proud, warlike race, usually made so by frequent contact with savage races such as orcs and goblins.

Dwarves usually live upwards of 200 years. In most fantasy campaigns, they have ruddy skin and all typical hair colors

Low Light Vision: Dwarven eyes are accustomed to the dark of the underearth. They ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

Slow: Dwarves have a Pace of 5”.

Tough: Dwarves are stout and tough. They start with a d6 Vigor instead of a d4.


Elves are tall, thin souls with pointed ears and deep-set eyes of various colors. Whether they hail from the forests or hidden valleys, they are all born more graceful than humans, though somewhat slighter.

Most elves live upwards of 300 years. They have fair skin and their hair includes all typical colors, plus shades of silver and blue.

Agile: Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4.

All Thumbs: Elves have an inbred dislike of mechanical objects, and thus have the All Thumbs Hindrance. They shun most mechanical items and designs.

Low Light Vision: The character ’s eyes amplify light like a cat’s, allowing him to see in the dark. He ignores attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.


Half-elves are usually a solid mix of their two parents. They gain the elves’ grace but none of their elegant frailty. Most half-elves are well-adjusted, but some are shunned by one side of the family or the other and grow resentful. Others may even be mistreated.

Their life-spans are closer to their human parent than those of their elven kin. Most half-elves live only to about 100 years.

Heritage: Some half-elves retain the grace of their elven parent. Others gain the adaptability of their human ancestry. A half-elf may either start with a free Edge of his choice (as a human), or a d6 in Agility instead of a d4.

Low Light Vision: The character ’s eyes amplify light like a cat’s, allowing him to see in the dark. He ignores attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting.

Outsider: Half-elves aren’t true outsiders (as per the Hindrance of the same name), but neither are they ever quite comfortable around humans or elves as one of their own, so the effect is the same.


Half-orcs are the offspring of either a human and an orc or an orc and another half-orc. Rarely is such a mating willingly accepted, so the character’s “family tree” is likely more than a little troublesome to him or her.

Half-orcs are usually accepted by orcish communities, but are shunned by most other races, including humans, elves, and dwarves. Some half-orcs choose to join the “civilized” races, turn their backs on their barbaric roots, and are often looking to redeem themselves. Many are heroic souls trying to prove their worth.

Half-orcs have light-colored human skin with just a tinge of orcish coloration, with black hair and small eyes. Their features are harsh and angular, like that of orcs. Their natural life-span is the same as humans, though it is rare when one dies of old age.

Infravision: Half-orcs can see in infrared spectrum, halving attack penalties (round down) for bad lighting.

Outsider: Half-orcs aren’t trusted by most other civilized races, and so subtract 2 from their Charisma.

Strong: Half-orcs have some of the strength of their ancestry. They start with a d6 Strength attribute instead of a d4.

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