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Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 4
Range: Smarts
Duration: 2 hours/Rank
Trappings: Ring of scented oil, salt, glyphs, leaves, fragrant wood.
This spell creates an invisible barrier that can keep out one specified type of creature determined when the spell is cast. The target creature type must be chosen from the following monstrous abilities: Aquatic, Burrowing, Construct, Elemental, Ethereal, Fae, Flight, Large/Huge, Poison, Small (affects swarms as well), or Undead.
The caster first makes his Spellcasting roll and then places a Medium Burst Template centered on himself. Creatures of the defined type wishing to enter the Template must make an opposed Spirit check against the caster’s Spellcasting roll. If they fail, they cannot pass the ward while the spell remains active. Ward stops the entity from passing through, but only weakens their ability to use other monstrous abilities such as Fear or throwing physical objects. Such abilities or attacks suffer a −2 penalty against beings in the ward, −4 if cast with a raise.
The spell is negated if any living creature of rat size or larger crosses the circle.

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